
How do u withdraw the cue ball in pool?

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How do u withdraw the cue ball in pool?




  1. A draw shot is executed with a level cue , hitting the cueball below center. The most important factor is a good follow through. You should follow through on every shot that you play.But good follow through is most evident on a good draw or follow shot. What I mean by follow through is shooting through the cueball , not a short jerky stroke.

  2. chalk the cue (scuff a little if you have the means).

    strike the ball slightly below center with average power.

    by moving slightly left or right you can further influence the

    direction the ball draws.


  3. Remember that hitting the ball harder doesn't make it draw more, a smooth stroke is more important.

    Keep the cue stick as close to level as you can, Jacking up the butt of  your cue just makes your aim less reliable, and you might jump the ball off the table.

    Try using one of the striped balls as a cue ball so you can see the action and adjust your aiming point and force.

    The feel of a really good draw shot is kind of like skipping a stone on water, the ball just kind of glides across the table

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