
How do unexplained phenomenons happen around us ,are these miracles ? and why do they happen??

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We live in a world full of superstions, and unexplained phenomenons happening around us everyday.if we look deeply into several incidents we are sure to fumble in the dark with perplexing questions unanswered!such miracles remain a mystry,can anybody explain?




  1. I learned in anthropology last year that magic always works. When a miracle from prayer happens nobody questions it. When a miracle doesn't happen it's because the ceremony is done wrong or the people involved didn't have enough faith. Therefore, it is said magic always works. It's humansthat make it fail.

    In the same class the professor said there was a study in statistics that said one in a million events happen around 200 times a day in the United States.

    The source below should prove interesting reading in tautology.

  2. Most of the things that are relegated to the supernatural and mysteries are coincidences or simple things that people blow out of proportion and inflate as time goes on. If psychics and premonition were so real, 9/11, Katrina and the Pacific Tsunami disasters would never have happened and every criminal would be caught. we live in modern times but we still hang on to the beliefs of the dark ages. Perhaps the whole human population will come into the 21st century some day soon.

  3. "You are given the gifts of the Gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs.

    Yours is the creative energy that makes your world...

    There are no limitations to the Self, except those you believe in."   - Jane Roberts

    "Chance is a word void of sense, for nothing can exist without a cause."  - Voltaire

    I recommend the book "What the 'bleep' do we know" (or the DVD) to anyone who questions the functioning & nature of reality.

  4. They just happen there is no need to ask "how" or "why."

    Phenomena are events that happen.  Most are explainable based on what we know about nature of the real world, some are not (yet) explainable, and some may never be explained.

    Sometimes an event, or series of events, is just a coincidence and there is not really any phenomenon that needs explaining.

    It's the unexplained ones that cause so much distress.  We like to explain things, and when we can't we tend to look to our imaginations.  Some people turn to irrational, superstitious or religious beliefs for the explanation.  Others continue searching  for rational, logical explanations.

    (A good "why" question to ask is: "Why do some people tend toward irrational, superstitious or religious beliefs?")

    I think it's important to encourage people to not give up on reality.

  5. humans don't know as much as they think they do....there are still many mysteries in this Earth that we have not yet discovered

  6. Is it possible that a mind could manifest an event that seems to occur in reality but only exists in the mind of the observer!

    If you dont beleive that what appears as the external world doesnt respond to you just looking at it, then watch this!

  7. I'd rather say we're keen to look at them as mystery...If we took time and revise events that led to certain accidents, we'd

    have found a strict relation of consequences, no doubt ...

  8. Yes.The world in which we live is full of superstitions.These superstitions are just chance happenings.These don't have any connection with our future.

    For example-

    The black cat is considered as bad as it makes the day bad because everyone who crosses the road crossed by the cat.Please think.Does the cat have any connection with the work?

  9. It's simple: like you said, these phenomena are unexplained. We don't always know why they happen. We can guess, or figure it out, and learn about it if it happens, but beyond that the sheer diversity of these events makes a general explanation inmpossible. I am very into metaphysics/spirituality  and I see these kinds of things almost constantly. For a while I wanted to know exactly what every little entity to wander into my house was, what it was doing, etc. There are just so many different things that can appear or happen or anything, though, that I gave up. It's just not worth it to learn about them all.

    So if you want something explained, you need to be more specific and use what knowledge you arleady posess to arrive at a conlusion or at least a theory that broadens your understanding of the subject.

  10. If you gave some examples, it would help in answering your question. A superstition is nothing but  a false belief in something like black cats walking in front of you like the man in the first answer mentioned.

    Miracles are dependent on ones definition of a miracle. Some people look at a newborn baby and call that a miracle and such people see miracles everywhere because babies are born everyday. Others consider things like having a bad feeling about something and then taking another course of direction and it saved them from an accident a miracle, while others consider that paranormal and a psychic phenomena. Either way that goes beyond the normal.

    I have researched modern day miracles many years, and while I have documented and seen many things beyond the normal I have never seen or seen evidence of anything that follows the bible pattern of a miracle. the bible pattern of a miracle is someone getting a hand chopped of and grows another one back, or someone being raised from the dead after four days. Those types of phenomena do not exist.

    Skeptics always have an explanation for things outside the normal, but I do know paranormal phenomena do happen, I just can't explain it. I do know ghosts exist, because I have seen and talked to one. I do not see ghosts all the time and doubt many of the things called ghosts today.

  11. Absolutely, miracles.  Every Christmas, I do my part, making my whirlwind trip around the world.  And this year, I had to help the Easter Bunny out.  He got slowed down when he accidently ate all the clover leafs along I-80

  12. Unexplained phenomenons happen around us because the spirits want to convey something or the other. These are obviously miracles because the spirits who remain on earth talk or make persons feel something very rarely. Such things will remain a mystery & no one can explain unless these psychiatrists stop using the word "mad" for people who experience this.

    There must be some reasons about this just like cat crossing road or the warning not to go below trees at night, because ghosts stay there apart from the inhaling of carbon dioxide. Some people may have faced these experiences of the day going unlucky for just a cat crossing the road. They are not superstitions, they are beliefs.

  13. Nah, Mate, I don't reckon.

  14. Paranormal experiences just happen~ why~ I do not know, but I have had them in my life.

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