
How do vampires and zombies decide who to convert and who to kill?

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Sorry this is probably a pretty dumb question, but I'm trying to learn up on vampires and zombies. From what I've seen a lot of the times vampires and zombies turn other people into their own kind after biting or some sort of thing. Then again sometimes their victims are just killed. My question is how do they decide? Is it by accident? Because I don't really see the point in being scared of vampires and zombies if the worst that's gonna happen is you get to become one, because that's pretty cool. So what is the deal with this?




  1. Well, from what I've read, zombies are the living dead.  So even if they're disemboweled, as long as the head remains attached to the body, they can live.  So, zombies don't kill, they only convert and the only way to kill a zombie is by taking the head off the body.  Vampires, on the other hand, there's a lot of different popular opinion regarding converting/killing.  Some say that just being bit by a vampire will convert you by the following night.  Others will say that the vampire has to want to convert you and will do something like cut their finger (or even wrist, sometimes) and you have to drink the vampire's blood in order to become converted.  As far as the vampire choosing who to convert, I'd say that's up to the individual vampire.  It could be someone he'd like to have as a companion.

  2. Vampires and zombies have changed dramatically over the years thanks to a variety of media, but mostly the motion picture has had the most impact on what we perceive as the "undead".  In classic vampire (Bram Stoker) tales, a vampire must bite someone three separate times, on three separate nights, the third time causing the death of the person, before they become a vampire.  This means that the vampire must make an effort not to kill the victim the first two times.  So if a vampire were to drain a person until death on the first bite they would merely be dead.  If they were to bite someone and not kill them, and never return to bite the same person again, the person would wake up mysteriously ill with marks on their neck.  Presumably the vampire would have a measure of control over this person if it so desired.  The bitten victim may or may not get better over time.  

    The origin of zombies creating other zombies only goes back forty years.  The Night of the Living Dead first unleashed this hellish form of undead upon the world in 1968.  There is no decision made by the zombie, they are incapable of such complex thought.  The disease that infects the zombie is passed on to anyone it attacks through it's saliva.  Even if the victim survives the initial attack, they will become a mindless killer once the disease runs it's course.  This could take minutes, hours, or days depending on how badly infected.  

    If I had to choose one I suppose I would rather be a vampire, at least you will have free will.  But that would still lead you to a life of murder, hiding from the sunlight, and certain damnation upon your eventual demise.

  3. Vampires dont just go on a rampage trying to convert everyone into something like fact its only if they are in desperate need to (like someone is dying etc) and its not just by biting...if a vampire gives enough of their blood to another human they can convert the human into a vampire. The only time they bite a human is if they are really weak and have not enough strength.

    They always choose who they convert...they dont pick randoms to become like them

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