
How do vegans obtain conjugated linoleic acid?

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I wanna know how vegans can obtain conjugated linoleic acid in their diet and also how they can build muscle in general without the consumption of meat,dairy or any other animal products.




  1. Linoleic Acid is Omega 6. In the western world, people generally get TOO much of this and TOO little of Omega 3.

    However, vegans don't have a problem with getting the right balance. It's found in soya, which is something most vegans consume a lot of. Conveniently, soya is great for protein too- protein is needed for cell growth, and as everyone knows, is good for gaining muscle mass. Therefore, combined with appropriate weight training, it is perfectly possible to gain muscle as a vegan.

    ''There are two essential fatty acids which must be supplied by the diet. These are linoleic acid and a-linolenic acid. Essential fatty acids are important for cell membrane function, cholesterol metabolism and the synthesis of various metabolites. Good sources of essential fatty acids are vegetable oils. It is important to have the correct balance between linoleic acid and a-linolenic acid. It has been suggested that vegans should use soyabean or rapeseed oils rather than sunflower or corn oils as these help give a better dietary balance''.

    A lot of people don't get enough Omega 3 (Alpha Linolenic Acid). It's found in nuts, walnuts especially. I don't think it's a problem for a healthy balanced vegan diet though, most vegans consume nuts and seeds for a variety of nutrients, such as iron, protein, riboflavin & selenium.

  2. As a vegan natural bodybuilder, I use CLA in my cutting phase to help keep my muscle mass while doing cardio to get rid of my fat. DEVA has a product that is CLA made from sunflower seeds that I like to use. After 4 weeks plateauing on my diet, I started using it and now after 3 weeks on it, I am starting to lose alot of bodyfat!

    I build muscle by lifting heavy and eating meals every 2-3 hours. I also make sure the meals are nutrient dense as can be (I even forgo the juice and just take my protein shakes with water. While cutting, tastebuds are put on hold). Since I am allergic to soy (probably due to the fact that I ate soy protein isolate - a common GMO product) I have to use nuts/seeds (Brazilian nuts offer the most protein), legumes (alot of hummus), and seiten (wheat gluten - which I am not allergic to!). I also get protein shakes from sources as gemma (pea protein), hemp (loaded with alot of phytonutrients to reduce all the free radicals that lifting heavy weights produces), and a new product called Vega that has alot of sources of protein (Brazilian nuts, hemp, pea, spirulina, etc.) but no soy!

    Go to and check out all the big guys who are vegan and can build muscle.

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