
How do vegetarians supplement their protein intake?

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this is for my food tech project




  1. My friend is a veggie, she eats a lot of nuts and eggs which contain a lot of protein, but she also buys protein powder from health food stores and takes it as a milkshake.

  2. You do not need to supplement a protein intake as a vegetarian / vegan. Every single food contains varying amounts or protein. A balanced healthy vegan diet will provide all nutrients needed for a healthy life. I thought the protein myth had been busted a long time ago...

  3. I am lacto-ovo vegetarian. This is what most American vegetarians are. I eat eggs, dairy, nuts, beans, and soy. These all have nutrients, as do many cereals and breads.

  4. michael is right. the vegetarian diet is already loaded with protein and vitamins.  beans, soy molk and other items have alot of it.

  5. They don't ''supplement'' protein as such.

    Vegetarians get protein from a wide range of foods. I hope you find the link useful.

    Those who think vegetarians 'don't get protein' are misinformed. Getting adequate protein is not a problem.

    I've never seen protein deficiency in the Western world.

    Nuts, beans and soya products, (such as tofu), are rich sources of protein. Eating a variety of proteins is the best thing to do. Soy products contain ALL 8 essential amino acids, so is an excellent source of protein.

    Some vegetarians eat eggs and/or dairy, which are high in protein.

  6. Um, well it is definitely a stereotype that vegetarians and vegans don' get enough protein.  We do from lots of things such as soy milk, tofu, meat substitutes, protein powders, TVP, power bars, ect. I'm a vegan and I get at least 100 grams of protein a day, so vegetarians and vegans do get enough protein unless they only eat veggies and fruits.

  7. Vegans do not need to take a protein supplement. Protein is the least of a vegan's worries. Protein is found in a range of different things. Tofu, beans, legumes, grains, etc. In america, they say we consume way more protein than other countries such as Japan and Europe.

  8. Dairy, eggs, lentils, beans, nuts, soy

  9. Most vegetarians have no need to supplement their protein intake. A balanced vegetarian or vegan diet provides more than enough protein for any body.

    Maybe you could ask about B12 instead. That one is much harder to come by.

  10. By eating food with protein.  Meat is not the only food with protein.  Whole grains, beans, nuts are great sources and pretty much everything else has protein in it...even broccoli.

  11. in india, dal or lentils are a major source.

  12. Vegetarians don't need a protein supplement as it is almost impossible to get protein defficiency.

    Protein is found in almost every food. And meat contains way too much of it. The extra protein in your body from meat turns to fat and causes heart disease. That explains why so many people are dying from heart attacks.

  13. they eat more bugs on food than they would like to admit

  14. tofu, eggs, cheese, & nuts have lots of protein.  Pure Protein bars have about 20 mg protein per bar - a great bar to supplement protein.

  15. Well, since the way you asked there can be only 1 answer: with supplements. Protein powders and whatnot. After all, that's what  it means to "supplement".

    However, there's no reason a vegetarian would need to do so as they can eat many protein laden foods like eggs and beans.

  16. as above, and meat replacement foods like quorn.

    ive recently started eating eggs again as ive found someone who keeps her own chickens cruelty free :)

  17. we don't.

    we eat a range of fruit, vegetables, nuts and cereals. Some also eat dairy and eggs.

    There is no need to supplement a veggie diet.

    A typical meaty diet includes twice the protien it needs to.

    If you want some decent info on protein, perhaps read this page:

    If your school question is really written like that then veggie education has far more work to do than i thought ! ( because the inference from the question is that we DO supplement our diets )

  18. Agreeing with everyone here on there being no need for supplements. That as it may, meat-eating is still an easier way to obtain the full chain of proteins as you get them all in meat. As far as I'm aware there are no vegetarian food items which contain all the necessary proteins so although we don't need supplements we do need variety. No one seems to have any problems with this though.

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