
How do visas entering Vietnam work?

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How do visas entering Vietnam work?




  1. before you get cheap ticket, get visa asap  not all countries need to have visa to vietnam. check from travel .

  2. If in the USA you get your Visa from Vietnam Embassy.  They have a webpage.  If you buy your airline tickets from a travel agency they will usually send in your passport to Vietnam Embassy for you and get your Visa.  You show your passport with your Visa attached as you enter into the country.  Customs officials there stamp it and let you enter.  That's about all.  Have a good trip.

  3. You can download the visa form from the Vietnamese Embassies Website.

    You need one photograph, your passport and an envelope with stamps, enough to send it back to you.

    Then you send all that to the embassy and after 10 days it's comeback to you.

    Usually you'll get a1 month visa.

    I did this so often already, first time I was sweatting, worried that my passport moght be gone, always worked.

    Travel agancies also organise the visa.

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