
How do warmer air temperatures affect the amount of water vapor in the air?

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i need this question for my exam !

please && thank yu !




  1. Warmer air near the surface helps to increase the rate of evaporation over water surface thereby increasing the water content in the air immediately above the surface.

    Warmer air at higher levels can hold more water vapour(as warm air can hold more water vapour than cold air),if by some means moisture is added to the air.So the amount of water vapour in the air increases with temperature.


    vapor pressure is hard to understand sometimes but generally as the temp increases so does the pressure

    without all the scientific jargon...

    heat=energy, more heat means more movement of the molecules and the easier it is to break down the intermolecular forces that bonds H2O allowing it to easily turn from liquid to gas

  3. The hotter the air temperature, the quicker the air rises, and the more water vapor is in the air. Just like if you boil water over a stove, you have a cloud over the pot because the water is at 212 degrees.  The hotter the air down below, the more air you have rising and you call it steam. On a hot day, you might have noticed a puddle of water on the road, and steam is coming off it. If it is cold outside, you can't see that.  All water evaporates but the hotter the air, the quicker and more water vapor is in the air. I hope i helped.

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