
How do waterless urinals process the urine?

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How do waterless urinals process the urine?




  1. Who cares?  It all goes down the drain!!

  2. haha. a man cleans it later. i feel bad for that guy. XD

  3. it just goes down the drain. pretty cool, it saves a lot of water, but what goes to the waste treatment has much higher concentration

  4. was that supposed to be a joke.....

    well i dont know

  5. No-Flush urinals resemble conventional fixtures, and easily replace them. They install to the regular waste lines, but eliminate the flush water supply lines. Flush valves are eliminated as well; there are no handles to touch, no sensors, no moving parts! The urinal bowl surfaces are urine repellent; urine is 99% liquid and its drainage is effected without flush water. Daily cleaning procedures are the same as for flushed urinals.

    The conventional water-filled urinal's trap drain is replaced by a disposable EcoTrap inserted in the urinal outlet. It holds a layer of the immiscible BlueSeal liquid floating on top of a urine layer. This combination trap seal blocks out sewer gases, and the covering BlueSeal layer blocks out urine odors from the room. A 3-oz. dose of BlueSeal lasts over 1500 uses, replacing at least 1500 or up to 4500 gallons of potable quality flush water!!

  6. it jsut drains into a container that is automaticly flushed, then a man comes later to clean it

  7. They automatically pump it to the drinking fountains next door.

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