As some of you may know my husband and I have been trying nine years to adopt. Everytime we get close, we end up not getting the baby. We always get our hearts broken. We just put our names on international adoption.
However this morning we got an e-mail from the agency informing us that a pregnant teenage girl read our profile and wants to meet with us! They also said she is highly considering us! We are so excited.
But we both agreed not to get our hopes to high or else we'll get hurt again.
How do we NOT get our hopes up? We both work, but I work at home so I'll be constantly checking my e-mail and stuff. What can we do to NOT get our hopes up?
Thanks in advance!
PS-For those who say don't have contact with her until the baby's born, that isn't in option as she wants to meet all of the couples she has looked at and have taken into consideration!