
How do we classify the conservation status of animals?

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we all know that a conservation status on animals is always set to them in order to know if they are endangered or not. i want to know what are the things they classify in order to rank an animal specie as endangered or least concerned. i'm just curious because there are some animals declared endangered but then they discovered there are still thousands existing kinds in the wild.

thanks for answering and have a blessed day!




  1. Designated species classifications vary from state to state and government  to government.

    The Mission of the Florida Natural Areas Inventory is to collect, interpret, and disseminate ecological information critical to the conservation of Florida's biological diversity. FNAI's database and expertise facilitate environmentally sound planning and natural resource management to protect the plants, animals, and communities that represent Florida's natural heritage.

    Take the gopher tortoise, Gopherus polyphemus  

    Its Global Rank: G3  

    State Rank: S3

    Federal listing: NOT LISTED

    State listing: THREATENED  

    If you look at the link below you will find out more than you want to know.  It is a good organization and in Florida one of the most referenced.

  2. The trigger is not so much the population size as the change in the size of the population. If the population is decreasing rapidly, the group may be declared "threatened". If the population is decreasing and low enough that the group is in imminent danger of extinction, it may be declared "endangered". There are international, national, and state listings. States may list a species just because its range ends in that state or because the local populations are in trouble.

  3. man that takes a lot o hard work.. they have to first turn every stone for HEADCOUNT... and since they couldn't completely do that in a short period, but want their names posted side by side the creatures... they announce what they think  is right ... too soon

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