
How do we deal with the evils of feminism ruining our summer weekends?

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  1. The best way to combat the evils of feminism and prevent their ruining of your summer weekend is to drink lots and lots of iced tea at a picnic with wonderful food and friends and family.  That'll show 'em.

  2. Seriously...I don't get it?  What does a weather forecast have to do with feminists?  haha, am I missing something??

  3. We steal all the bikini tops and burn them.

  4. I'm looking forward to it. :)

  5. yes we have those kinds of feminists in Toronto too, pushing their all rain agenda against the patriarcy. They just can't accept that summer is naturally hotter than spring so they brainwash the clouds on....

  6. Point all the feminists south and therefore reinstate the patriarchy?

    Unfortunately i think  as long as the wind blows north east there is nothing we can do about it

  7. Erm I don't get it....

  8. Hmm. When I really want to enjoy a summer weekend without worrying about the American election or the horrible or just stupid things that happen to women all over the world, I turn off my computer and have a party.

  9. By turning women into supposed victims of men, they provide themselves with an excuse to attack men. Their real objective. They are deeply flawed women who have already caused massive social damage. It is time for normal women to stop seeing them as their friends, because they aren't actually capable of caring for anyone, they only appear to do so.

    PS. They ruin every day, and taint everything they come into contact with.

  10. Stop paying attention to Feminists. They are like toddlers throwing tantrums, ignore them and they will stop.

  11. Just be grateful that the arrows are not in pink.  Now that would prove to be a conspiracy. (smirk)

  12. Well Sam, first and foremost I think it would be best if we all got completely drunk. That way, when we were approached by feminists, we would not be able to understand any of their ranting, as we both know that feminists enjoy a good rant.

    Also, it could be a good idea to go to a cabin in the woods for the weekend, where feminists could not find us, as they could not track us down by scent. We would cover our tracks with bras that they can burn, which would give us enough time to run away.

    Do you think it would also be appropriate to hire a guard dog to keep the feminists out of the log cabin?

    Great question, as I was wondering the exact same thing. hehe :)

    Edit: Sam, I think the humourous intent of your question has gone way over some of these answerer's heads.

  13. Evils of feminism ? hummmmm, does that mean hippy hairy bikini bottoms  and underarm ?

    i suppose socialy they are the opposite to the Brazillians out there.

    But then the Brazillians , could be seen as revolutionists of the pedophilia type

    which happen to hate femminists.....

    Bob oh boy this gets more intrapment as the metre flies!

    One to be considered kind in humans society requires a Moral Compass.....hmmm i wonder who said that ?

  14. Eve started it.  The feminists are just continuing the tradition with their evil machinations.  Mark my words, if the female genetic imperative isn't obeyed, the downfall of humanity will follow shortly.

    I also heard feminists caused the hike in gas prices.

  15. What has one got to do with other?

    Are you doing a Anatol?

    If you are you FORGOT the CAPITALS.

  16. What an idiotic question.

  17. hahaha that's a funny parody of what anatol would ask though

  18. i'll just give them a hug, i guess..

  19. evils of feminism, really, whats that got to do with the link, a weather chart?

    without the early feminists and those that followed, women wouldn't be on this site, but still tied to their  parents apron strings, or married off to the nearest suitable or unsuitable man.

  20. That which is feminist reality is questionable, despite social conventions of forced imperatives from self-perpetuating lambasters and their baritone proprieties

  21. Am I missing something here? it's just the weather forecast.

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