
How do we deal with the illegal immigrants?

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Logically speaking, we can't just go house to house and put them in buses. what will be done about this?

And why do before assume anyone against illegals is racist?

HELLO I'm Hispanic, but I'm not in favor of amnesty.




  1. Everyone should look at their own family history. All people in America legally or not, had someone come here from somewhere else, often with little education.

    Those born and raised in American English-speaking families take things for granted.

    (And keep in mind that many names were either translated, changed or Anglicised over the years .. or people stopped caring about their roots - fact is though, in today's global economy, knowing a 2nd language is a tremendous advantage)

    You might want to know that not all coming in through Mexico are not Mexican .. it's as if you were to say that all Asians are Chinese (America also gets immigrants from Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand etc) or all Europeans are Irish (what about Germans, French, Italians, Greek, Russians, etc)

    4 THUMBS DOWN ALREADY .. you take your lives for granted more than I thought (AS WELL AS THE SACRAFICES OTHER PEOPLE IN YOUR FAMILIES MADE)

  2. Crack down on the reason they come here, jobs and freebies.

    If we make it darn near impossible for them to find work by fining employers and make their lives here in the U.S. miserable, they will self deport.

    That's my opinion.

    Most people know that people who love the U.S.A. and who are against illegal invasion are not racist. Some use the race card to defend illegal immigration, it's lame.  I mow my own lawn and my neighbors gardener is a College kid who makes $10 dollars an hour, it's not like we need these people.

  3. Well, first how can we call them illegal, when the Staue of Liberty is standing in New York Harbor. I agree with you, we need to lock our borders and make it easier to immigrate. It takes years for the paperwork to go through and a lot of them are starving. They come and do meaningless jobs that we don't want to do. If standing at home depot looking for work is making the white people jealous then lets see them do it? I, for one can't afford to pay Union Wages to get my lawn mowed, Can You? I don't believe that illegals should have any right to our welfare or medical systems unless paying cash. But they come over have a 1/2 dozen kids all on us. I don't think they should be legal until they go through the system. And as for not teaching them in our public schools. All you need is an address to go to school. Anyone can do that.  

  4. The ones who are here working, not causing problems and not accepting government assistance should be given a path to residency after paying a fine for being here illegally. I think its morally wrong to deport 20 million people.

  5. We need to take away any reason for them to be here. Then we need to have mass deportations and seal the border.

  6. to get down and dirty with the illegals,

    i meant working

  7. by making them do illegal things

  8. In Arizona you can lose your business if you hire them!

    Very cool!

    Illegal people make people who came here in a legal manner look bad.

    In Arizona, no more welfare!

    The people made this happen by voting!

    Last count over 300,000 have left our state for texas!

  9. Not only to Hispanic, all illegal immigrants should be deported disregard their race including Asian and European. I realized a big problem in today's society, it seems like we judge right or wrong base on race. Can they define the word "illegal"?

    I wonder if all the illegal immigrants are majority Chinese, will all the Hispanic people change their view of illegal immigrant. U.S. didn't make a big deal of it until they start robbing, killing and destroying our society. (I am sorry to say that to "the one who work hard" in the U.S., they are the one to drag you guys in this.)

    Anyway, the best way I think is to make a hotline for ppl to report them for a small reward like $25-$50. Not hiring them is not the solution, because you are forcing them to commit a crime to make a living. But boarder security is the main key, may be we should build a great wall on the boarder and the only thing they can do is to put graffiti on it.

  10. Take away the money and they will leave. For starters, take their kids out of our public schools. Refuse them any health care, social services, food stamps and unemployment etc. Help them see that staying in their own country would a better bet than putting up with the wrath of the majority of the American people here.

    In addition, we should assess the Mexican government 100 barrels of oil for every illegal immigrant here.

  11. the cost... the out of pocket cost of amnesty for the American Taxpayer will be about 2.2 trillion dollars over 20 years.  That is unacceptable.  Further, no matter how you cut it, there are a huge number of illegal aliens who cannot speak English, a large block who cannot speak English well, a large block that cannot write in English.  But as you look at them in profiles, you discover they cannot speak Spanish, Spanish well, or write in Spanish.  They just don't have an education.  No matter what we do, we won't be able to assimilate those folks and the coming 40 years could see a great deal of ugly in addition to the incredible demands on the American Taxpayer to pay for the illegal aliens.

    No.. we don't want to just put all of them on the bus and send them home.  In some cases, that is the best of all things we could do.  I don't think you know, but American Growers are moving to Mexico and believe it or not, there is a serious shortage of workers in Mexico.  Keep this in mind also: a potato from Idaho costs about a dollar.  A potato from Mexico costs about a nickel.  I think there will be a very significant shift of ag production from the United States to Mexico.  The only hitch in that is the corruption in Mexico, but I do believe they will begin the process of stopping a lot of that monster.

    We have begun the process.. we need to expand it to a lot of places.  We are offering to take folks who turn themselves in, give them 90 days to clean their affairs up, and go home.  I would like to extend that... make it six months.  It would seem sad that the glut of homes on the market will lower their profits, but it is a fact that the Illegal Aliens have been a significant part of the whole trouble, so that loss of money is just going to have to happen.  So send them home gradually.  But send them home.

    And as that happens, this country needs to get with the U.N., and make an effort to make sure these folks get down to Mexico and are not harmed in that process.  We need to push Mexico to support them, and we need to supply some money to enable that process.  

    There is more.. Yahoo doesn't want wordy.  But there is another way besides dumping those folks over the border.

  12. okay i will answer your question.  in order to take control of this situation "One" will have to reign supreme and rule with an iron fist to the point that people will be intimidated into coming inside the u.s.  But, united states is a democracy and the three fourths majority reign supreme so anybody can say its racist and cry and nothing will be done for this problem with this type of government.  

  13. Easiest answer of all:  Arrest and..........

    DEPORT, Deport deport

  14. Take away the freebies, Honor the 14th Amendment ("...and SUBJECT to the jurisdiction thereof..."), fine both the illegal worker and his/her employer ... --> and, believe it:

    -->...they will SELF-deport!

    It's not like the world is as pre-industrial and impoverished as a hundred or even 50 years ago.

    We have our OWN hungry citizens. No other country is offering a free ride to Americans in distress.

    I've been to enough countries to realize that it's all about the same.

    As for the "walking skeletons" thing?

    The "you'd do it, too, if you were in their shoes" thing?  

    Only if I'd been brought up to dispise honesty and laws.


  15. people need to put themselves in the "illegal" immigrants' shoes. i can guarantee that if u were in their position u would be running over here too.

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