
How do we enhance nationalism?

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How do we enhance nationalism?




  1. through propaganda and brainwashing... nationalism can be a very bad thing (Hitler was a nationalist, for example)  The definition of Nationalism is believing your country is ALWAYS right.  Patriotism is loving your country, whether you agree with it's agendas or not, and wanting to change it for the better.  Nationalism is blind and can ruin an economy.

    we should enhance Patriotism, not nationalism

  2. The how is easy.  The real question is WHY.  Nationalism is inherently divisive, serves the interests of only a few, and always leads to some group of people being at the very least marginalized, and at the worst exterminated.  Think Hitler, Stalin, Milosevic, Pol Pot and any number of other infamous political figures.

  3. That's a tough one because you can not force patriotism on people. If your not patriotic by the time your 18, chances are you will never be patriotic. So you have to start when people are young. I could probably formulate a good answer if I knew why people weren't patriotic or had low levels of patriotism.

    I answered this question from a patriotic point of view, not a nationalistic point of view.

  4. easy. We draft this apathetic generation of hippies and emos and metrosexuals and send em over for a good long stint in a combat zone.... having a generation of combat vets should be good for patriotism. seemed to work after WWII.

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