
How do we explain that in the past, many white people were r'cists? that many Germans were n'zis??

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was it because of a leak of intelligence??!

or because people didn't know what r'cism/n'zism means?

can we say that nowadays people are smarter than they were?! or is it something else??

if earth brings to us a new H'tler, with new n'zism or r'cism ideas, do you think that people will act differently and will say no?

what if they couldn't recognize theses NEW ideas as r'cism/n'zism?





  1. Why were men so sexist? why are homophobes so homophobic?

    Difference scares the heck out of us, and the way some react is with hatred --which, I hope we all have learnt, is not the best way.

    There still are taboos and prejudice.

    There will, sadly, always be.

    Some people are still racist. If a woman sleeps with more then 3 men in her entire lifetime, there will still be people to call her names (which rarely happens to men) and a woman who was raped still, fom time to time, ears someone say "she was looking for it....  g**s can't even hold hands in the street without people whispering...

    And there's Darfur (which is a repetition of Rwanda, isn't it? and is it any different the the n***s?)

    I dream of a world where things will be different. But do I believe in it?

  2. I would not say it was a lack of intelligence, but a lack of real vision...people who are just content with how things were at the time.  They were effectively afraid of change.   Could it happen again...I would like to believe that it would not...but there are a lot of simple minded individuals out there...from ALL races not just white  

  3. Racism is commonplace, among all isolationist cultures in the world.

    Serb on Bosnian ethnic cleansing

    Muslim on Non-muslim genocide in Sudan

    Chinese on Tibetan crackdowns

    Turks killing Armenians

    Mexican gangs targeting blacks

    Israelis vs. Palestinians

    The world is a big screwed up mess, we are a big, screwed up species.  It is human nature to classify as inferior that which is unfamiliar.

  4. Hm, maybe you'll get an answer once you've explained to us why you cannot openly spell out NAZISM and RACISM. Leak of intelligence? THey are not dirty words in and of themselves, you know.

    Oh, and the guys name was HITLER.

  5. RACISM comes in all colors.  

  6. It's not just white people: Folks want to be organized and supported. They will follow the strongest personality, especially in crisis, as all Europe was in from the great depression on. Scapegoating on others is the simplest way of promoting your own group. The deeper the crisis, the more susceptable folks are to being led by the most exteme personality.

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