
How do we get energy in our homes?

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how do we get energy in our homes? do we get energy in our homes by burrning coals?

i know carbon dioxide and other green house gases causes global warming, but what KIND of ACTIVITIES CAUSES global warming?




  1. You get energy by electric power, natural gas, propane, heating oil in most cases.

  2. Well, to answer your third question (your first 2 should be obvious), breathing causes global warming.  Every breath you take removes O2 from the atmosphere and replaces it with that demon gas, CO2.  So, please breathe less so that you can do your part in reducing your carbon footprint.  Personally, I have reduced my breathing to 1 breath per minute.  Hopefully, I will be able to reduce that number to 1 breath every 2 minutes.  I still haven't figured out how to accomplish this while I am sleeping, but I am working on it.  Please join me in this endeavor.

  3. Hello

    Energy to homes thro Electricity/Gas.

    Solar Energy also good for house/Factory

  4. Via power lines, and gas lines; mainly.

    The main causes of GW are cars and factories

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