
How do we get funding without a constitution?

by  |  earlier

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We would like to get funding for the work we do in our community ,who funds grass root organisations with out wanting them to jump thru hoops and all the red tape.




  1. Probably nobody, are you in UK?

    You cant get away from Red Tape anymore unless you are really lucky, sorry

  2. You wont get much funding unless you have a constitution, membership and all that. You dont necessarily need to register as a charity. But most funders will want you to be an organised 'group' if you want to get regular funding. Do you have a local volunteers service (CVS) They are people who will help you form a group, give you help on finding funding and so on.

  3. Funders want those hoops -- they feel that if you can't jump through those hoops, you aren't going to be responsible with your accounting. Funders won't just take your word for it ("We're good people! Honest! Give us money!"). They want proper accounting, proper book-keeping, etc.

    If you want to do work in your community, why don't you volunteer through an existing organization? If you want to have your own program, why don't you partner with an existing organization, so they can accept and administer donations to your effort?

  4. Why wouldn't you want a constitution? It defines your group.

    A constitution need not be complicated. You can write it yourself and then you adopt it at your next meeting. You should include the following:

    Name - the name of the organisation shall be (your group name)

    Area of benefit: The group will work within the area of (your local area or borough)

    Objectives: List all your objectives ie. what you are trying to acheive, who you want to benefit, how they will benefit etc,

    Include 'to create links between private, public & voluntary sectors in order to acheive the objectives of (your group) by sharing skills, knowledge and resources.

    Powers - In furtherance to the stated objectives, the committee may exercise the follwing powers (state what powers your committee will have)

    Common powers include: raising funds and to invite and receive contributions

    acquire, rent or lease land, premises or property

    and include: 'Appoint and constitute advisory committees as the committee may deem necessary'

    and: 'Power to do all such lawfull things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives.'

    and: 'Enact secondary rules and bylaws within the fraework of these rules and constitute such sub committees as may be necessary.'

    Membership: you should state that membership is to be encouraged from all sectors that support the aims of (your group) regardless of race,s*x,politics, religion or sexual preference. Membership will be considered at first available committee meeting. The committee may choose to set an annual fee.

    You should also state that your committee has the right to expel any member who is in breach of these rules or any bylaws enacted or who defrauds (your group) or who conduct themselves in such a way as the committee feels is detrimental to the achievements of the said objectives.

    Expelled members have the right to appeal (you should state how your group would deal with this) ie; appeal in writing, be notified of meeting, with committee voting on whether to uphold decision or not on majority vote.

    Members may attend any meeting - (you will need to decide how your voting will work) ie. all members have one vote at AGM, one vote at members meetings if present, only committee can vote at committee meetings

    Committee: you need to state how you make up your committee ie: a chairperson, a vice chair, secretary, and treasure is the usual minimum. you can state others

    You need to state how long they will serve before re-election (some groups have 1 year terms other have 3 year terms for more stability - some with 3 year term stagger the positions so that all committee is not due for re-elction at the same time - ie first year one would stand for 1yr, another for 2yr and the other for 3yr and upon end of service they would stand for 3yr upon re-election or replacement) also state what would happen if any rofficers resigned prior to end of service. ie give the  rest of committee the right to co-opt another member to serve in that position for the rest of the term left.

    state How committee will be elected - usually at agm by majority vote of those present.

    Meetings: you should state how often you intend to have meeting, who is eligible to attend, voting procedure, (usually by majority of those present and voting)

    normally chair has no vote, he has casting vote in the case of a tied vote.

    No members should be allowed to vote on any matters that they are directly or indirectly financially involved and they must eclare any such interest to the meeting.

    Minutes of all meetings should be recorded by your secretary and you state that all present will receive a copy.

    An AGM will be held once a year,at which annual accounts are presented and election of committee takes place.

    Members should be given 21 days notice of AGM

    Finances: include the following:

    With the exception of payments made in good faith to any member or appointed officer in respect of reasonable expenses on behalf of (your group), the income and property of (your group) shall be applied soley towards the promotion of the said objectives.

    (your group) shall hold a bank account which requires at least two nominated signatories and which requires two signatures for withdrawals at all times.

    Dissolution: include the following

    If dissolution becomes necessary, a meeting of all members must be called, giving at least 21 days notice.

    It must be carried by a majority vote of those present and voting.

    All debts and liabilties must be satisfied before any remaining assetts can be distibuted.

    You must then state how any assets would be distributed - normally not to any members of the group in a personal capacity, usually to other clubs or groups having similar objectives

    Alteration to constitution: you should sate how your group will have power to alter the constitution. ie if any parts are not allowed to be altered,, or amends can be made for instance only at the AGM or by a majority vote of the committee and or members.

    You should then name your committee and their position

    state at which meeting it was voted for adoption and have you chair sign it.

    If you work along these lines and keep proper records of meetings and income /expenditure you will find it a lot easier to raise funds. I know it's hard work but persevere it is worth the effort in the end. No grant funders will accept your applications without seeing that you are set up right. But once you are many are quite simple forms to apply.

    Good luck in your projects.

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