
How do we get our cat to stop attacking my husband?

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Our cat is 4 yrs old. He sometimes gets scared by something outside the front door & will attack whoever is nearest. After a few attacks that were pretty severe, & one where I got infected, we had him declawed. Lately, whenever my husband walks around the house, the cat follows him & "growls" at him & swipes at him. He's bitten him a couple times & last night he attacked out of nowhere & scratched my husbands head when he was lying on the couch. He bled really bad. We've tried a spray bottle & yelling & he's even hit him because he can't get the cat to stop. This all makes the cat even more aggressive. We're having a baby soon & don't know what to do. We can't give the cat away, because he may hurt someone else, but can't let him keep hurting us or the baby. Right now the cat is locked in the bathroom. We never did anything to the cat before to make him act this way. He may be insecure because someone abandoned him when he was a few weeks old. What can we do? We don't want to put him to sleep or keep him locked up for the rest of his life.




  1. well he could of been neglected before you got him you could try putting him with another cat that may help  

  2. have him neutered

  3. Well nutering may be a good soultion because they can be aggersive with out it. Also if that does not work/is not an option try clipping his back claws and maybe trying to calm him down by spending more time with him. It also could be a Mental Disorder which happens rarely in cats. My guess would take him to your vet and see what they think would be best. Putting him down would be a little extream and it sounds like you don't wish to do that. Best luck to you :)

  4. Neuture him(cat, not husband)

  5. He is trying to tell you that your husband is bad news!  : )

    I agree - get him fixed if he isn't already.  Talk to your vet.  They also sell calming aroma spray or vaporizers - we used them with our cat for awhile and it seemed to help a little.  

    Have your husband make friends with the cat again.  Sit on the floor in the same room with him, ten feet away, not directly facing him, not talking to him.  The cat will eventually come over to investigate.  When he does, talk to him quietly, but not too much.  Maybe pet him once or twice, not too much.  Then give him a treat.  Don't try to grab him or pet him while standing over him.  

  6. EEEK!! IDK, i would tallk to a vet... SOON

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