
How do we get out of this debt?

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Right now the US national debt is $9,567,195,195,502.86. So since there are 304,489,121 legal citizens in the US our total share on debt is $31, 420.48. How can we stop this? The national debt rises an average of $1,79 billion dollars a day since mid September 2007. What can we do to get out of this debt?




  1. well, i keep getting these e-mail ads for Debt Consolidation!!!

    or their is always Bankruptcy!!!

  2. Three guesses. Hint; What made it start going up so fast in the past 4yrs?

  3. I'm going to say, cut spending or increase taxes.

    I'm pretty sure those are the only two options.

  4. Not taxing....

    Just cut the spending! Balance the budget and stop borrowing! Quit sending money to terrorists and secure your boarders so no more illegals get in. Also fix this welfare problem where people are mooching off of our tax dollars! Honestly Barack Obama will not help this economy at all.... vote for McCain especially if he picks Romney!

  5. For starters stop wasteful spending. We can start by not paying our elected officials. It's not like they earn their salaries.

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