
How do we get rid of deer?

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Does anyone have practical, inexpensive ways to keep deer out of our yard/garden. We live in a semi-wooded area and have deer morning, noon, and night. We have tried lots of things, soap, dog hair, perfume, etc., and they just are not afraid. And the deer repellent sprays are too expensive for our size garden/yard. There is plenty for them to eat outside the garden, so don't say, "feed them," or "they have to eat, too". We have had them before, but this is the worst they have ever been, and they are taking over!!

Please, just serious answers.




  1. first off, what the other guy said, is false. deer can jump over a fence if they want to.. unless you put barbwire at the top of a 6ft fence.

    So is what i suggest doing..  Take some human(not dog) hair, and place it throughout the garden.. also you can urinate all over the place..  Another idea might be to put some type of timed sprinkler system up, and time it to when the deer are usually around.

    Ive done the hair and urinate thing, it works for me.  

  2. first deer r cool but if u want them gone put up a fence and if that dont work

    shoot it

  3. Most repellants are only temporary in my experience. Deer will adjust to any smell or taste they come across often. This includes things like soap or cayenne pepper which may work for you one season and fail the next.

    Unless there is some eminent threat from a predator, its urine will be of little use as well. My dog's poo has never scared even one chipmunk let alone a deer. And not many people are willing to pee on their own property just to make the point and deer will still get used to the smell anyway.

    Physical barriers are your best bets. In addition to fencing that is at least six feet high you might try laying chicken wire down on the ground around the garden for a width of six feet also. Deer dislike walking on the wire as their hooves get caught in the loops.

    I've heard that juniper and daffodils are repellant to deer but I don't believe it. We have these around the property and the deer still show up. Not everything you read will be accurate. Planting plants they don't like to eat like juniper will at least give you something to look at when they're done eating everything else but then they'll probably eat the juniper during the harshness of winter.

    Patrolling your property and surprising the deer will do more to help. The more frequently you go out in your garden the more the deer will leave it. A few well placed pebbles can also help. Even if you miss the deer, hitting metal, wood, stone or water with pebbles can create sounds that disturb the deer. Vary the routine. Be out in your garden if you have to. It's yours after all you should be in there enjoying it so be there. After a while they will give your garden up as a bad job because they have to move so much.

    Do not let them bully you either. If they stand their (your) ground then go after them with a stick or rope and hit them hard.

  4. Well, I heard of this Japanese invention that scared deer away from your garden. It's like this bamboo shaft that hits against a rock, and the bamboo shaft has some water in it, and I guess when it hits the rock, it makes this "plunk" sound that deer don't like. I'm not sure how you make one, or get it to keep running, since it was invented in ancient Japan. You probably use running water or something, like those wheels in rivers that turn when water flows, but on a smaller scale, like a water fountain. I know they have one at DisneyWorld in Epcot, and no, it's real, not made up by Disney, and I saw it, and it hit against a rock, and made the "plunk" noise. I didn't pay much attention to it because I didn't know what it was. Then, after leaving, I found out what it was, and wished I got a better look at it. Maybe you could try to build a makeshift one, because I know we don't have bamboo where I live. Like, use a plastic tube and a rock, rocks are everywhere. Hope this helps, and don't worry, these shiny beetles are taking over, eating our beloved potted plants, so I guess animals are taking over this summer. Good luck!

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