
How do we get the colors of a rainbow after a rain shower?

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How does the sun play a part in it?




  1. That happened at the g**s and lesbians parade. You got rainbows everywhere.

    Parade can only happens on a sunny day.

  2. sunlight shines through a raindrop and some of it bouces back off the inside back edge of that raindrop. That light travels back through the raindrop and exits on the other side. Different colours of light travel at different speeds within the raindrop so we get a prism like effect as they emerge from the other side (the front as we look at the raindrop). There will be lots of these raindrops largely effectively identical and each adds to the effect

  3. How is light reflected to create rainbows?

    As light enters a water droplet, the different wavelength colors bend at slightly separate angles. Some of this light reflects off the back of the droplet and is bent a second time as the droplet emerges from the light beam. Drops at different angles send distinctively different colors to the eye.

    How are rainbows made?

    If light is hitting raindrops at a proper angle, a secondary, larger rainbow will appear outside of the main rainbow. This secondary rainbow is fainter in color than the main one because the light has been reflected twice by each raindrop. This double reflection also reverses the colors in the secondary rainbow.

  4. Its funny that I answered the same question in the physics section. Anyways, different colors of the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum are refracted (bent) based upon their wavelength. If sunlight strikes water droplets or ice crystals, then particles of light (photons) are refracted by the water droplets or ice crystals. The reason we see different colors is because of the seperation of those colors due to refraction.

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