
How do we go home from hospital with the newborn baby if we have no car?

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We live just 1-2km from the hospital, have no car, no friends here who could give us a ride. Will a taxi take us home ot will they refuse because of some car seats requirements?




  1. A taxi is fine if you don't know anyone who could drive you.

    They'll be understanding I'm sure..

    Just make sure to keep a thin sheet over your baby's car seat so they won't be affected by the germs in the taxi. People smoke in taxi's all the time and you don't want your little one breathing all of that.

    Good luck and congrats!! <3

  2. You get home the same way you get to the hospital, only with a car seat and a baby in tow when you go home.


  4. how are you getting to the hospital?

  5. get a car seat and put it in the taxi. it may take awhile to get home cause you gotta figure out the car seat but its the only way i see other than walking  

  6. Can't you use a car seat in a taxi cab?? Call all taxi services in that area and ask them.

  7. You will have to have a car seat regardless. Maybe you can borrow one the hospital wont let you leave if they are strapped in proper.

  8. I'm pretty sure they will let you go home in a taxi, but call the hospital where you will deliver to make sure.

  9. If you  have a proper car seat, than call a taxi service and ask if they will be willing to drive you home.

  10. well, call the taxi company.  however, the hospial may not allow the baby to go in a taxi with no car seat----i would call the hospital and ask them what people do.  can you borrow one?

  11. First get the proper car seat for the baby.Do you have any relatives on either side to help?I mean who does not love babies?If thats not goodI would call a cab company and enquire about what you need and I am sure they will assist you in getting home.By the way any friends with cars?They may be able to help also.Just ask a relative or cab company.Also find good friends.

  12. Ask the hospital you are delivering at if they have  a shuttle bus type thing.Here in Indiana if you do not have transportation they have shuttle buses or hospital taxis that will take you home for free with baby in tow. Even if you have to pay for it its worth it when you have no means of getting home.

    If not then call a couple taxi cab places and ask what their restrictions are on car seats. Tell them your situation "I do not have a vehicle and after I deliver my baby I will need transportation home with baby.Do you allow car seats to be put in your taxis?" Either it will be a yes or a no but most likely a good percentage of them will say yes seeing as tons of taxi places allow infants and carseats in them.

    Best of Luck

  13. Even in the taxi, you need to have a car seat!

  14. You will probably want to check into the regulations where you live.

    You may need to get a carseat.  It's not a bad idea to have one anyway, just in case.

  15. YOUR SOL

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