
How do we integrate lecture notes and home notes from the textbook? They'll be scattered and disorganised!

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Plus, do we have to take notes in tutorials?




  1. I think it depends.  I teach a high school Latin class at co op (all the students are homeschooled, I'm a hired teacher), and I have them take notes in class.  I also have them read over their chapter during the week and take notes from that.  If they come to my house for an extra tutoring session, I expect them to take notes on whatever we go over.

    To me, their notebook is their reference manual.  Just about everything is in the textbook somewhere, but it's a heck of a lot easier to have a notebook, that you put together and that makes sense to you, to flip through rather than having to find one chart in a mess of 400 pages of text.

    I'm not sure if that answered your question, or if you were asking about something else?  But yes, that's what I expect of my students.  It's what their college profs will expect of them, and it's what I want to get them used to now.

  2. Some people say you should only ever write lecture notes on one side of the paper and then add your own notes to the other side.

    Alternatively some people find that re-writing both your lecture notes and personal notes may help you to learn them...and can certainly bring out any points you don't fully understand.

    BTW As a lifelong, home-educated, unschooler I don't indulge in tutorials but, according to both my uni-going siblings, a tutorial is where you and your tutor get together and he/she asks you how things are going, what you're planning to do in the next month, how they can help you out with doing that etc etc.

    Not sure why you would need to take notes for that, or notes beyond something such as 'meet Bruce in Uni bar, 8pm, Friday'...that sort of thing.

  3. The same way  you integrate your magazines articles with your newspaper receipts.  You just simply put them in a binder.  You may want to put your lecture notes in plastic covers to keep them from getting crumpled.

    Now, after saying all this.. .I have no idea what you are asking.  What lecture notes?  Nobody even told me where the lecture was going to take place.  What textbook are we using?

    I'm like totally not ready for this class.

  4. Some people say to not integrate the two, that it's best to keep them separate.

    Others would say to integrate in order of lecture/reading assignment, adapting where necessary when topics overlap even if they weren't in order. This means COMPLETELY rewriting your notes, in your own words, not just having a section with your notes, then lecture notes, then your notes, etc.

    This is the homeschooling section, btw. We don't have tutorials. I have to say that despite my many years in public school then 4 years of university, I've never hear of a tutorial, so I can't help you with that. I would imagine that taking notes in tutorials would be for your own benefit. So that you learn more.

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