
How do we know 2 + 2 = 4?

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How do we know 2 + 2 = 4?




  1. Because when we stacked two sets of blocks on top of each other as a toddler there was a total of four blocks. We know this because each block as we were told in first/second grade were equivalent to the numeral one. We have assigned this as a truism. This does not mean that the divine univerise holds this as absolute truth, because there is nothing to contradict that 2+2=4.

  2. because my kindergarten teacher said so.

  3. We are not stupid. So..

  4. Haha!...I laughed at myself for answering this question. Of course 2 + 2 = 4.What makes you think that it is not??....

  5. Who knows?

  6. Since this is in the Zurich category, because the teacher or the policeman or your Hauswart said so.

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