
How do we know that a 1% change in cloud cover is not causing global warming?

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In his book, "Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor," climatologist Roy Spencer, states that we do not have enough observations from the past forty years to say if global warming is caused by human activity or by natural causes. He points out that a 1% increase in cloud cover, caused by changes in ocean currents, would account for all of the warming that has been observed.




  1. Because no one has been able to demonstrate a 1% increase in cloud cover exists.

    We also don't know that aliens beaming down heat rays aren't causing it.  Just as likely.

    What we do know is that basic physics proves the measured increase in CO2 would cause it.  Given a demonstrated cause, scientists are understandably reluctant to accept the alien heat ray theory.

  2. re: 1st answer

    "cause he said so"

  3. how do we know it does?

  4. Exactly, they, we and no one else knows.  We want to simply control a natural plant food without any proof that it is responsible for anything.  They (alarmists) have made some far out deductions to even remotely come up with CO2 as a cause.  They come up with this funky light spectra thing when I have never worn my sunglasses on a cloudy day because of the CO2 magnification, nor have I ever heard of a CO2 magnifying glass, telescope or microscope.  They are really far reaching in their theory and then come away with the term 'proof' is totally laughable.

  5. We don't 100% know that changing cloud cover levels aren't impacting global warming because there isn't a lot of cloudcover data.  However, the data we have (from satellites) indicates that this is not the case.  The data shows that there is no long-term trend in low cloud cover.  For example, see Figure 3 here:

    The other issue is that we know humans have caused atmospheric CO2 levels to increase 37% over the past 150 years by burning fossil fuels, we know CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and we know its global warming potential.  So there's really little question that CO2 is causing the planet to warm.

  6. I am sorry to say modern science  is pro-profit for industries financing it.No vedic scientist is ready even  to comment on it not to speak of relying on it.

  7. And that accounts for temperatures and CO2 levels that have risen steadily since the 1880's?  Sure it does....NOT

    You've got to love that title though.

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