
How do we know that the world is going to end in 9 days??????

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How do we know that the world is going to end in 9 days??????




  1. Did God die? And it wasn't on the news?

    Oh wow I'd better clean up my act now, if you'll excuse me I have to go wash my garments so they'll be white.

    This is a joke right?

  2. Voices in your head can not always be trusted.

  3. The fact is, WE DON'T. People just want you to be scared. If the world ever does end suddenly, you won't have to worry about that credit card payment or the pestering calls that will happen if you didn't pay it.

    So just pay your bills, go back to work and rest easy knowing that if the world ends suddenly, you won't even know it happened.

  4. ignore this c**p the world isn't going to end

    period... the world isn't going to end in 2012 either

    god are people that stupid to believe that  

  5. Well, if so, at least I will have time to finish the two novels I am reading.


  6. actually its gonna end in 2012

  7. More fake terrorist attacks.

    Prepare for utter chaos.

    Listen to this wise child:

  8. i dont think it is gona end in 9 days. too soon

  9. The nine-day wonder scare. Look, even if the LHC makes a stable black hole, and the odds of it are very small, the Earth won't be completely destroyed for several years.

    Along with this rumor of imminent world destruction, however, has come a false basis for comfort. The End of the World can happen only once. Although most doom scenarios are hoaxes and misunderstandings, not all of them necessarily are. Remember the boy who cried wolf? He was only lying for the first two times.

  10. The world is not going to end. On the other hand, we may learn a lot in a few days like, the existence of the Higgs boson, a hypothetical particle that give mass to any other boson. The  Large Hadron Collider experiment won't be the end of the world any more than the hundreds of other doomsday prophecies proposed so far. Here is a complete history of the apocalypse:

    Why do you think this one has more chance to occur than all the previous ones?

  11. The Large Hadron Collider will not end the world. It will create miniature black holes that will collapse in a billionth of a second. The black holes will be so small that they would be the size of the end of a pin.

    The experiment that is happening on the 10th September is scientists racing atoms at each other at 99.99% of the speed of light.

    The worst that can happen is that it's a giant waste of money.

    The media have caused all of this buzz.

    The scientists are highly accomplished that are running the experiment.

    Scientists are trying to discover how matter is made etc, etc. Also, what happening during the big bang.

    There will be heat in the chamber 10x the heat of the sun but there will be liquid nitrogen.

    Don't panic, nothing will happen.

    There are two experiments, 10th September but the most anticipated is the 21st October.;...

    I asked a question similar to yours.

    Everyone stay calm, theres nothing to fear!

    And even if something bad did happen, the world would be gone so fast there'd be no time to process or feel what actually happened.

  12. Could very well be the beginning of the New World Order and the start of the tribulation.

  13. They will pretend that the LHC opened up a "doorway" or "stargate" for fake Type III 'aliens' to come through and set up a new world religion and world government:

    Many will be fooled.

    Later, ask yourself how we knew in advance:

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-13

  14. The black hole experiments in France will destroy everything Bye to you all      

  15. the end of the world as we know it will be december 21, 2012.-blurey

  16. We don't know that at all.  The world has been running for a long time and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future...

  17. Wish you had told me sooner, I just got a plane ticket!


  19. It's not!

  20. omg! first it was a second before the year 2000 then i was th 06:06:06 and then it was 2012 now its 9 days?!?

    im so confused will someone please press the big red button already?


  21. Can somebody please tell me where this nine day thing came from?  

  22. The black hole experiment is in Switzerland actually. And I would call this science going a bit too far! What gives them the right to blow up the earth and us along with it??? I think the world ending in 9 days is only a rumour..........I've heard many like this before!

  23. It better bloody not!  I'm going on me holidays on the 28th!!

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