
How do we know that we humans have nothing, something to do with gorillas as our ancient ancestors?

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please suggest websites to prove, if there is a such answer,'YES"...




  1. Gorillas are incredibly like humans. There is no simple way to answer this, but I'll rap a little with you: gorillas can communicate through sign language and create new objects and thoughts. Gorillas are very intelligent as well as large, both qualities found in humans. Additionally gorilla anatomy, especially around joints is remarkably distinct to African apes.

  2. go to the library and get cows pigs wars and witches  it will explain alot to you

  3. At the genetic level, the only difference between gorilla and human DNA, is that gorillas have 24 pairs of chromosomes, and humans have 23, the first and second of which are fused together, thus accounting for the one pair less...

  4. We are not descended from gorillas, but they are related to us.  Actually, our closest "cousins" would be the chimpanzees and the bonobos.  Just looking at the similarities in physical features and behaviors make it obvious that we are related.  However, DNA analysis provides us with a more definitive answer as to just how close we are.  I've read that the DNA of humans and chimps is 95% to 98% identical.  It is believed that the common ancestor lived around 5 million years ago.

    Interestingly enough, human ancestors, once the divergence took place, seemed to have had an unusually rapid evolution to modern humans, which makes me think that God certainly had a hand in that.  I have a strong science background and I'm also be believer in God and I have no problem believing in evolution - I think God shaped our evolution and our destiny.

  5. they were gorillas its in the Bible

  6. Gorillas are not in our ancestry.  We do have common ancestors however.  The gorilla human chimp common ancestor split into two species probably something like 8 million years ago.  This is determined from variations in the DNA that mutate at a relatively constant rate over time.  These two species continued to diverge meaning they were separate populations evolving separatly.  One went on to become gorillas and one went on to become chimps and us.  CHimps and our common ancestor split into two species about 5 to 6 million years ago, presumably, and one eventually evolved into us and the other evolved into modern chimps and bonobos.

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