
How do we know who actually was Obama's father?

by  |  earlier

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Since his hippie mother was globe trotting around the world looking for muslim men to bed.




  1. You're right, you know.  People have been lying about who their parents are forever in order to be president.  You know what, I bet you're totally right!  I bet that Osama Bin Laden is his father!!!  This is Bin Laden's newest plan!!  Put somebody from Al Qaeda IN the white house!  Ok, I can't keep talking like this because I sound far too republican.  I'm going to go shower now to get this BS off of me.

  2. I guess we don't know but we do know that it doesn't make any difference who his father was.  We also know that you're a boil on the a$$ of society but that's as irrelevant as your "question."

  3. Wasn't the guy who was his reported father bald?  The bald gene is supposedly  passes over to the son?

  4. Easy.  Look at the name written next to "Father" on his birth certificate.  If haven't seen it yet, it said "Barack Hussein Obama".

  5. How do we know who anybody's father actually was?  We don't.

    This irrelevant question won't take the heat off Palin's scandals.

  6. Um, who is the b******s father, you have raised a good question, is his birth certificate valid, should America be demanding the truth or just jump on the band wagon attacking a 17 year old for being stupid and unlucky (assuming she did not want this to happen) and use it to criticize the girls mother.

  7. Please do not be insulting.  It demeans you.

  8. In that case, then we can't know he's related to the guy in Kenya who claims to be his brother now can we?

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