
How do we learn to become more pschologically resillient?

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In today's world where nearly everything is regulated, legislated etc. we tend to be trying to protect ourselves from everything and perhaps this is making us less resilient. It seems that every time a person meets a hard situation they either fall apart or run off to a counsellor! How can we become more resilient and less needy and less reliant on laws, regulations, counsellors and other crutches to cope with life.




  1. great question,

    its hard in 21st century and you just gotta do it on your own,

    be strong and independent and confident in yourself and then you can do extraordinary things,

  2. I think that people need to try harder to make the best of whatever their situation is instead of being weak and running away or throwing their hands in the air and giving up.

  3. I could go on all night about this topic!  Instead of a neverending rant I'll just say that I think people have become verrrrry lazy.  It's probably a result of our upbringings.  I think that in our society, from the minute we're born we're flung from one milestone to the next without getting a chance to know ourselves or think for ourselves.

    The only things I'm trying to teach my little ones are common sense and problem solving.  I was so proud of my 4yo the other day when I walked into the kitchen and she had eggs, flour, milk and butter in a bowl and was stirring away, and there was a frypan sitting on the stove.  When I asked what she was doing she said "I wanted some pikelets, but you were busy so I thought I'd mix some up and now you can cook them for me".  Who needs a recipe book?!  I hope she tackles the future bigger problems the same way!

  4. Because its what we are brought up to believe.

    sadly its the way our society has done to us. emotional and mental resilience isnt exactly a hard thing to do. Its a state of mind.

    life experiences differently have an impact. once you finally get mad at something and start to do something about it. that when your more resilient to things.

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