We're having trouble deciding on a preschool route for our child. I'm a Montessori teacher and would love my child to be in a Montessori environment. He'll definitely be in a French Montessori school when he starts Kindergarten.
However, I also speak German at home with him and would love him to be enrolled in the German preschool here. When he starts Kindergarten, he can also go to German Saturday school. My other option is to put him into an English Montessori preschool. I wish there was a German Montessori preschool here, but just the fact that we have a mainstream German preschool is a big deal! I would just like for him to have a chance to speak German with more people than just me.
So, it's between German mainstream preschool or English Montessori preschool. Either way, he'll be in French Montessori starting in Kindergarten.
Thank you! This is a tough choice and I don't know how to make it. We feel like our decision will be the basis of his school career and could have a huge impact. I appreciate any help or your own experiences on how you decided which preschool to put your children in.