
How do we organise a protest against this government.?

by  |  earlier

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lets bring the country to a halt. make the politicians earn there salaries that we are paying them. they work for us. they need to listen. WHEN WE GOING TO PROTEST!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Solidarity Brother!


  3. We can all protest by emigrating-like I am!

  4. Against which of the things that it has done? Protests are over policies, not governments as such.

    I'd suggest:

    1) Be clear about what you are for, as well as what you are against (e.g. some posters mentioned fuel price protests: one reason they failed was the protesters did not put forward any clear alternative proposal - they were not clear whether they wanted some other tax put up instead (if so which?) or just wanted state spending cut (again - which part?)).

    2) Check whether the policy you object to is really as unpopular as you think. Your friends may all tell each other they think so - but do people in different areas, age groups, jobs, etc, think the same? (E.g. to listen to some people you would think everyone hates speed cameras - but in fact lots of councils get lots of letters from people living near main roads saying they want them installed).

  5. I agree, but you have no chance of succeeding.  You will either be shot, locked up, or suddenly disappear.  Think of Nelson Mandela...What good did it do him, even though he succeeded in the end, he spent most of his life locked up.  Then there was Jessie Jackson who stood up and spoke in defence of the black people...He seen a dream.....No he seen a bullet.......Its a great thought you have but its not possible now, even though you may have a lot of followers.....

  6. Not into protesting yet just wanna say that it was'nt Jesse Jackson, it was Martin Luther King jnr who had a dream, just to let the history students know! Jesse Jackson is still alive in America.

    Please people get your facts straight before mouthing off on a tangent.

  7. someone who still cares ??    Maybe there is hope after all.  I had wrongly assumed I was the only one who thought the country was going swiftly down the toilet on so many fronts.!

  8. ur wasting your time the only way we will get a new goverment is if everyone votes the ones that dont vote are letting the country down as there vote goes straight to the goverment who are in power at the time of the elections its as simple as that vote bnp

  9. Politics as it stands today is dead, and I don`t know what we do about it. Any person with honour, standing and talent doesn`t want to come forward, so we have the generation of spin, incompetence and greed representing us.

    The public realise this, and fail to turn out to vote in their droves.

    Aside from disappointment, my real fear is that by apathy we sink into compulsory voting and possibly totalitarianism.  

    I admire you for asking the question, how do we go about it?

  10. You haven't actually said what you want to protest about.

    Surely you have some idea of what you actually want from a protest.

    I'll tell you what, you book the brewery, the rest of us will order the alcohol!

    Do you think we can manage that?

  11. you have answers giving the same response the government would give to your protest if you could ever mount a protest negative response, =wasted time and effort=

  12. with great difficulty!

    We tried it in reference to petrol prices.. & did they listen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    Not that im adverse to trying again!!!!  

    Power to the People!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Read the broadsheet press, listen to TV and media coverage other than the BBC. Pick out the incontrovertible evidence and write letters based on PROVEN FACTS outlining a possible course of remedial activity to your political heroes and see what happens. But don't hold your breath whilst waiting for a response.

  14. the working class could be the best of a bad bunch it maddens me to think of them lining there own pockets ,that's what the gets are doing i could do the job a lot better and wouldn't  be as  costly,they are not happy with what they have the familys root them out the money grabing gets

  15. I would agree if you tell me why you want to protest.  

    If it's for free gasoline, count me in.

  16. I don't know about organising a protest but you could email your MP who is just about to vote on a referendum over the EU treaty. The rights of the indigenous population are being constantly eroded and giving the EU more power to make decisions about our country is the last thing we need. You are right we do need to do something this Government has been the worst in living memory for not listening to the wishes of the electorate. Their disastrous open door immigration policy has not only allowed too many immigrants in, we now have thousands of criminals from all over the world.Just how they allegedly 'enrich' our society I'll never know.

  17. A counter question:

    When was the last time a protest made the government do something they weren't planning to do anyway?

  18. Your off to a good start, just keep pounding the drum!

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