
How do we pass on the lessons of race relations in the United States?

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My young cousin (age 8) is now paying more attention to physical differences between racial groups. She often asks me why people are different and what is the significance of these differences.

Considering that people nowadays are sick of hearing about race, I wonder how I can teach her about race relations in light of current attitudes. Should I tell her about the history of racism in America? Should I ignore history and tell her to treat everyone equally? What is the best way to teach a child about race?




  1. I suggest that you couch your comments in simple metaphors which she can understand.

    For example, you can explain the difference in skin color by the notion that a human's skin will tend to darken or lighten over many generations as a defense mechanism against the harmful effects of direct and prolonged exposure to sunlight or as a way to absorb more of the sun's life giving energy.

    Of course, the issue is more complex, but that simple explanation can give her a mental picture to latch onto and allow her to understand one aspect of race at her ability level.

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