
How do we perform zuhr namaz?please tell step by step

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How do we perform zuhr namaz?please tell step by step




  1. Read the ans given 4 isha and asr prayers.

    Here are the actions of the namaz.

    When u start, bring your palm near to your ear level slightly spreading the fingers, its front side facing outwards and say 'allahu akbar' and start. Bring the hands to rest on your chest and keep right palm over the left holding it by the angles.

    Recite the fathiha and the soorah (silent).

    When in rukoo keep your palm on your knee, bent straight, looking downwards tothe position of sujood.

    When in iithdal (standing straight after rukoo) keep your hands on the chest or simply leave it down. But it should not swing.

    In sujood, 7 parts should tough the ground. Upper forehead, two palms, two knees, lower side of the two large toes of the foot. The surface where you perform sujood should not be much smooth or smoothened.

    In 1st thashahhud, the left foot must be under your buttock and you sit on it. Your hands on the thigh, extending up to ther knee.

    In the last thashahhud the left foot is brought out through the under side of the right foot. Hands as in the first.

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