
How do we protest paying for irresponsible homebuyers in foreclosure???

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Ummm, I bought my house after January 2005, and I had a realtor tell us we could get a mortgage up to $160,000 making $26,000 a year (yeah, right!) if we had a fancy new mortgage. I got out my pen and paper, did my own math, and decided we could actually afford $70,000 of house on a great rate, fixed for 30 years. Because we are responsible, know what we can handle, and denied ourselves things, why should I pay (via taxes, cause that's how these programs are funded!) for irresponsible people that did what their realtor told them, even though it was financially irresponsible? Do people NOT think for themselves anymore? How do I protest this?? Gimmie my pitchfork!




  1. The best way to let people know what happened was wrong is to let the people who took out stupid loans for more than they could afford to lose their homes and for the people that made the stupid loans to lose their investment. That would be the fair and honorable thing to do. But the politicians in government have agreed to bail both sides out with "our" money, "our" tax dollars.

    Originally George Bush promised to veto such a bail out bill. But the Democrats promised to make this a huge campaign issue and to make the Republicans look cold hearted by not helping to bail out the irresponsible borrowers and lenders. So under that pressure, he agreed to sign the bill. A number of Republicans are sending him a letter letting him know how wrong this is. If you also believe this is wrong and want to protest, I suggest you vote against every Democrat you can as they are the ones who most believe this bailout is needed and that other taxpayers should bail out those who act irresponsibly.

  2. The way to fight back is start voting out politicians that support such stupid policies.  I mean both Republicans and Democrats.  Whats next,  there going to pass a bill that pays off everyones credit cards.

  3. Sorry you are so frustrated.  Everyone thought they could be a millionaire and banks let them borrow more money than they could afford.  The Bush administration did nothing to "stop the party," so the only way our economy can be saved is to bail out the banks.  Just one of the perks of 8 years of national mismanagement.

  4. The thing we should be protesting is the lenders that knowingly forged documents to give out those loans. Yes most people should of had common sense and knew what they could afford.

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