
How do we save our society ! drugs and crime do we protect our kids?

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How do we save our society ! drugs and crime do we protect our kids?




  1. Protect your kids by cultivating self-confidence in them so that they don't make poor choices out of insecurity to impress or fit in with their peers.  Teach them to think critically, and to march to their own drummer.

  2. Thanks to values and morals, there are plenty of good families still raising good kids to become good adults. When adults have children and there is no foundation or basis from which to raise their children, thats when drugs and crime move in on the children.  Protecting kids means making them strong against those "winds of society" such as crime and drugs that will either blow them away or blow right through them; not shielding them from the harsh realities of the world.  

    When you overly protect a child, you aren't teaching them to survive in the real world; you are making a neurotic that needs protection all the time--how do they get protection as adults?  They run to their psychiatrists and get on drugs because they cannot deal with the stressors of everyday life. Once the psych pulls away from the over medicated neurotic, the neurotic runs to the street to find the illegal drugs.  BAM! Now we have another druggy to deal with.  The druggy then needs more money to support his habit; therefore starts to commit crimes like burglary and theft so they can hock things to get more money for the illegal drugs.  Now the druggy is a criminal because he gets caught.  So start with your family unit in your home and make them strong against the winds.

  3. Pay attention to your children and give them a good example.  Second, do as I did when our sons were growing up.  Since they were very young, I told them often, that I would be watching closely what they were doing all the time. And, if they ever violate the law, in any way possible, I would investigate the matter by myself and, if proven truth, I *personally* will call the police on them and would give the police all the information I gathered.  And I swear over my parents ashes, I would have done it.  They're grown ups already, but the rule still goes.  They laugh about it and tell about it to all their friends: "We don't mess with the law, if we do, our mother will call the cops on us."

    Sadly, many parents are lazy parents that never set boundaries of any kind, thinking their children will hate them.

  4. Knowing where your kids are at night is one way .

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