
How do we say no and mean it?WHY u no listen gordon broon?

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Holland says No,,,France says No and now Eire says one else(thanks Gordon)given an an opportunity to say No.


what do you not understand about NO,,, we dont want the laws in our country decided by unelected MEPS,,but then we have an unelected PM in the UK as well,

thank god for the Irish constitution..

already the EU P**locks are looking for ways around their original agreement that ALL countries must say yes,,,already they are bringing out bribes and deals to make sure they get their own way,Brown has several times said he was listening to voters,,,i am certain he does listen,aren,t you




  1. The problem is!When you deal with a person who is in a position well above his abilities and surrounded by political cretins who only tell him what he only wants to hear!For example!He says!WE are listening!Well that's a lie for a start !Because if that was true he would realise that the majority of the British people do NOT want anything to do with the Lisbon Treaty!Every Labour MP should be asking this very question!Is this issue worth losing a very comfortable life style for?!Give the people a voice on this issue!Or Get out!!

  2. I will admit that I didn't read very far into the lisbon treaty before deciding that I did not like it. However, the reason why I stopped short  is simple enough. Early on I discovered that in an instance where there is a conflict between the Lisbon treaty and the constitution of ANY member state, the treaty will take precedence.

    For instance, if Ireland wants to retain neutrality and Europe wants them to fight----Europe decides.

    If the UK wants to allow abortion but Europe says ban it-----Europe decides.

    If France wants to create safe nursery areas in her fisheries to promote regeneration and Europe wants to fish them to destruction----Europe decides.

    Get the picture? It's not that I am in favour one way or the other on any of these issues, it's just that I believe that every sovereign state has the right to decide for itself on issues that effect it. The unelected MEPs that people are talking about are the ones claiming a right to meddle in our affairs who have NOT been elected by OUR voters. An Italian MEP has no more right to speak about UK affairs than a UK MEP has to meddle in Italys business.

    All over Europe the people have spoken, now all we have to do is MAKE THEM LISTEN.

  3. Well, I couldn't possibly say whether or not I agree with the Lisbon Treaty as I don't know what it contains.  I wonder if you do?

    In general, I believe that if we elect a government in, we must trust them to make the best decisions on our behalf based on their superior grasp of worldwide economict and policies.  It's very easy to take the tack of tabloid newspapers and say "No, we don't want unelected EU members making laws for our country" but without knowing the ins and outs of the policies, you really can't say that.

    It would be like a doctor asking his practise whether or not they thought a certain pill was better than the other, Or a teacher asking all parents which books should be studied.

    Unfortunately, unpopular as it might be - there are a lot of people who simply wouldn't understand the treaty and vote no purely because of what the papers say - and that would be wrong.

    Edit: btw in this country we vote for a party, not a leader.  The members of the party always vote for the leader themselves irrespective of whether that's during a mid-term of office, and at a general election, we vote for the party.

  4. You are absolutely correct, i think that this government is corrupt

  5. I agree with Lenny. Although I think what the Lisbon Treaty says and does is quite simple, and there are plenty of good guides to it. I'd be interested to debate, point by point, what it is that people dislike so much about it. But I don't think most people could tell me.

    My guess is that most who say they don't like the Treaty either don't want to be part of the European Union, so want it to fail, or don't want Europe to be bigger than it was when we entered it - too late, I'm afraid. Or they don't want the increased worker and human rights which the treaty affords us all.

    As for Euro MP's being unelected - don't you know there are European elections next year? Or do you just not bother to vote because you don't fundamentally like democracy?

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