
How do we show care and curiosity without getting into someone's business? ?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike advise, or trying to find out something bout someone's life. Would you say this is meddling into their business? Or would u say we are showing care and concern and a healthy curiosity. Where does one draw the line?

Also, do u mind unsolicited advise coming from a good friend, but u have not directly asked for the advise, but only stated the issue? Is the person then meddling into ur affair if they advise?

Where does one draw the line between "my business" and "your business"? Where would you draw the line.




  1. Healthy curiosity, when it comes to someone else's business, is an oxymoron. Show you care by being a good listener, but NEVER offer advice unless it is specifically asked for. Friends don't do that to friends. If it is bad advice, or good advice that doesn't work, they will very justifiably blame you. And showing curiosity doesn't make you look like a good friend at all, quite the contrary. Draw the line very close to your own nose.

  2. You should ask politely if they would mind if you offered them some advice. If they say they would mind then you have your answer. Proceed no further, this is none of your business.

  3. If you are advising because you truly care and want to help the person and you have good intentions, that's not getting into their business. If you are doing it to dig into their personal life, make a mockery of their problems and situations then spread it around your job or school in a rumor mill, then that's just getting into someone's business for the heck of it. If you're a true friend to someone then that friend will know you're there to help and not just to be nosey. If the person feels you are getting too personal they'll tell you. As for giving advice, I don't mind people giving me advice even if it's critical if it's to truly help me from making a mistake or to teach me something. I don't appreciate people who shoot off their mouths just to appear as know-it-alls and try to use others as their platform to feel superior. You know the type. They aren't really giving knowledge but just spend their lives trying to make others feel stupid or less important because they really have no self-worth of their own. Great question, very deep.

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