
How do we solve or erradicate people greedy to power? Why most of them don't mind to change for a better ways?

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Is corruption start from the time you born? People not contented what they have but they are more sarcastic when they always prevail to somebody against they're well......




  1. in a democratic set up people get what they deserve,so  instead of blaming the leaders,the people have to change themselves and elect leaders with integrity..if people continuously elect corrupt inept politicians then better dont blame them.

  2. Its very simple actually.

    Make the penalty for corruption or political greed death, by public execution.

    Sooner or later people will get the idea that corruption is not a good thing, that or we will kill off all the corrupt people.

    Either way I say we win.

  3. Just don't vote for them during elections.

  4. The problem is that you can't solve it. If you think of evolution, the most fit who have the most offspring and give their offspring the best chance to survive and continue their bloodline are in evolutionary terms the best. Although a lot people think on a bigger scale that by sharing the wealth we better humanity as a whole, many still feel it is dog eat dog world where we are all fighting for a spot.

  5. For most people (republicans) their corruptness is actually in there lineage.

    They were raised tothink republican before they think american.

    These are the rich and greedy that only want more money and more power.

    Its a cycle that untilmore republicans open their eyes and question what they truly stand for..wont change..because democrats are required to keep them honest.

    Or at least try to neutralize their reigns of greed power and terror,.

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