
How do we stop global warming?

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I'm a skeptic and it seems to me when ever i hear a method of stopping global warming it usually ends with sign here and i'll need your credit card details. What do you get with that purchase is something very close to useless and very inefficiant, but hey it claims to help global warming. Hybrid cars oh yes i'd love to buy a 50 thousand dollar sedan i could of easily gotten for half that. Solar panels ohh yes i'd love to save 50 cents of my next electricity bill at the cost of 2-5 grand up front! don't worry it pays itself off in......*cough*60-100 years

Now some of these points are a littlebit exagerated but proves the point that some methods of stopping global warming seems to be a bit suspicious!




  1. first we need to prove it to some republicans. next we need to lower the speed limit to 55 we will save about 30% in gas. phase out the incandescent bulb. start looking into hydrogen power. plug in electric cars.get rid of our gas guzzlers. use methan gas that cows produce plant more tress. these are very cost effective and easy solutions

  2. We cant stop global warming, its caused by the earth entering allignment with the galaxy and coming into new age, look up 2012 mayan prophecy, this is the cause of global warming and it will kill everyone you love unless you act now. I am being serious and no I dont need your credit card.

  3. You've noticed the same thing I have....none of the remedies to GW being suggested by the theories advocates are going to do squat to reduce the concentration of atmospheric CO2.  Supposedly this is a problem that began 250 years ago at the beginning of the industrial revolution, and the most fanatical GWAs think that it can be reversed at the grassroots level..

    To have any real impact on the production of CO2, the first beast to tackle is the 700 billion megawatt fossil fuel power generation capacity in the USA.  And wind turbines that are rated 1.5 - 2.5 megawatts each aren't going to cut it any more  than solar panels that are 10% efficient at midday and 0% efficient at sunset.

    What it is going to take is a lot of 1 gigawatt nuclear fission plants to be put into service, but the power industry isn't going to move on that until Congress starts funding a place to store the wastes.

  4. Forget about what people that needs your credit card. Get everyone to recycle, plant a tree, grow your foods in every community you know, & use biodegrable products. Good luck

  5. Why stop it. If global warming ends, we all die.

    there is no controlling the climate. Heck, we can not even control daily weather. As far as buying "Green" products, I do when it makes financial sense. For example, I bought a low water use washer because in about 4 years it should pay for itself. As for the new light bulbs at 4 times the price, h**l no. I would buy a hybrid IF they had a style I liked and it was not $4,000 to 5,000 more than a regular one.

    Let's do the math on this one. Average person (me) drive 12,000 miles per year. My current car gets about 20 MPG city/highway. The Camry Hybrid (most similar to my car) get around  34 MPG highway/city. So for my car, I will buy about 600 gallons of gas vs 353 for the Camry. At $4.00 per gallon, the Camry saves me about $988 dollars per year. This is pretty good since I tend to keep my car about 5 years. So in that 5 years I save a total of $4,940. Which means if I spent an extra $5,000 for it, it would never pay for itself. However, it looks like the Camry hybrid is about $4,000 more so it may pay to get it. BUT, we can not forget about the time value of money. Being that I spend an extra $4,000 today, I do not have this money available to invest. If I take that $4,000 and earn only 4% interest over 5 years, I get $800 in interest. Also, we would need to look at the actual loan value on the car since you would be paying interest on the additional $4,000. Over 60 months we would pay an additional $740 dollars just in interest on the car loan (60 months, $4,000, 6.94%, pmts = 79.09, times 60 months = $4,745 minus $4,000 for car = $745).

    In conclusion, this car will never pay for itself in 5 years given the above scenario. When the price comes down, or gas goes up (which it is) the case may change. But for me, it still goes to teh crappy styling of the hybrids.

  6. First of all, using biodegradable products is bad cause its raising the price of corn and other products around the world which is making millions starve in countries (like africa) and bio fuel turns out to be bad for the environment, and it also turns out that only 20 to 30 percent (could even be as low as 5%) of global warming (number of pollutants in the air) is actually cause by humans.  The reason why no one like Gore dont tell u this is cause this global warming thing represents a huge market that represents a big part of the economy.  With out, the worlds economy would fall significantly.

    and also, its been resently proven that global warming is not happening at all, its global cooling.

    Its also been proven (since forever) that global warming has happened many times in earths history--------many times before humans even existed.--this is earths cycle, get used to it.

  7. by getting off this computer right now.

  8. Theres really no way right now of stopping global warming. Heard of those alternative spiral light bulbs? Drop one and mercury comes out. But they're making a better, no mercury one. I say, if you live close to work, maybe bike in the summer to cut down some CO2. And turn off lights in a room when your not in it. I don't use solar panels or hybrid cars but Global Warming is a serious problem to me.

  9. no one can pollute the mind of other till we are ready to be swooped, you are not sure of your ideas, it is a sorry state of affairs, speaking low and blaming others is some what all people are doing, you change your self, safe your environment the way you can, no porblem how insignificant are your efforts.

    just be positive,

    marginal efforts by all will bring big changes in all.

    never forget, the way honesty goes unproctored, saving of environment goes unproctored.

  10. I wouldn't mind all these doom and gloom alarmists trying to save the world if it wasn't so expensive.

  11. First you have to understand how long the earth has been storing up the fossil fuels. The coal, oil and natural gas that we are using now are products of the earth converting plants and animals into their present forms over (often) millions of years. They have been stored now for millions of years without being used until now. By being used now, we are converting these fuels from stored carbon, into released carbon. Thus allowing this released carbon to act as a greenhouse effect gas again.

    Since we are talking about a situation where the Earth once had a lot of stored carbon and now that stored carbon is disappearing at a tremendous rate (and will continue into the future) We can be truthful in saying that there is a definite trend, and relationship in the increase of greenhouse gasses. We can also say that these greenhouse gasses would not have been released without the intervention of man. Logically therefore we can say that global warming gasses have been released and any global warming increases are directly attributed to mankind’s releasing them.

    The damage done by increased greenhouse emissions has already taken its toll. This is evident by the melting of polar ice and glaciers across the globe. Some will say that there is no such thing as global warming, because there is in their opinion very little change in the average global temperature. However when you take into account the fact that there is less ice, and snow, because of the melting of polar ice and glaciers across the globe. That melted ice, snow and glaciers across the globe will in themselves temporarily lower the overall ocean temperatures untill they all melt. Thereby lowering the average temperatures on the earth. So if you account for that, the temperature can be proven to be increasing.

    We cannot get the world back the way it was, even as of fifty years ago, much less stop the damage that will still occur in the future. Sure we could try to stop all industry that will cause pollution, but at what cost. Without industry we could not sustain the present world population. Giving up industry and sacrificing billions of people on this planet in the process, is not a viable solution (even trying to merely lower greenhouse emissions is at best a temporary solution).

    The biggest problem we have now is not just the fact that we have more greenhouse gasses trapping heat in, but we are getting less and less sunlight being reflected out from the planet. As the snow cover melts from more and more of the planets surface, the sunlight heats up more parts of the earth that once reflected light back out. It is like a dog chasing its tail (until it gets dizzy and falls from exhaustion). As global warming just keeps building on itself till the ecological balance fails, and this planet will no longer sustain the teeming human populations.

    Greenhouse effect cure (there are no real cures but this may help till we can find one). First I want to point out that there are no real, viable short term, or easy methods of curing our Global warming woes. The damage to the environment has already been done and is, for all intent and purposes, basically irreversible. It is likely, however, that any type of plan to get rid of Global warming, will require some type of dramatic ecological compromises.

    Some will say that all we need to do is give up industry on the planet and the world will eventually go back to the way it was. I say it is too late for that solution (as a short term solution anyway).

    My plan, however, will require the use of old tires and recycled plastics. Of course it will require some engineering feats also, and a few ecological compromises. The benefits of using these wasted products will far outweigh the compromises required.

    My idea is to build large floating islands (white on top, to reflect sunlight back out of our planet) made from used tires (filled with co2) and recycled plastics. Yes there are engineering and ecological problems, but everyone has to admit there are worse problems in our current situation. So the only feasible solution is to build a bunch of artificial reflection "islands" across the planet.

    There will be other benefits realized, once we build enough of these islands. One of the problems associated with the increased temperatures we are experiencing is the possibility of increased hurricane intensity and frequency. Having enough of these floating islands in strategic points in the oceans will help to alleviate this problem also. It is a well known fact that hurricanes form in areas of the ocean where the temperature rises above approximately 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If we can keep those areas below that temperature (by reflecting sunlight away), we can prevent the formation of hurricanes. Without these floating islands, hurricanes will probably continue to increase in intensity and frequency…

    We need a solution to deal with our Global warming woes, and we need it now. Even if this is a difficult path to follow, it will pay off in the future. The overall problems I see for Greenhouse effect is that we can go green all we want, but Global warming and our constant desire to be comfortable, will eventually undermine any efforts we may do. Unless we can get rid of some of the excess heat in this world, we will always be under the eventual threat of a thermal overheating demise.

  12. Get everyone to leave their Airconditioners on.

  13. you really really need to watch Al Gores movie on global warming. It will blow your mind how serious the issue is. and everything he shows are facts, he also tells how these things can be avoided. and it can be. like when the world stopped the hole in the ozone from growing in the 80s

  14. global warming isn't even real, btfw.

  15. buy carbon credits

  16. We cannot stop Global Warming. We can only reduce human activities inducing Global Warming. We can do some of the following:-

    We must replace regular incandescent light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs…..We must not  leave appliances on standby….. We must use the "On/Off" function on the machine itself……. We must reduce waste….etc.

    There is also an opinion that Globlal Warming is but natural and even if human beings were not existent on earth, the Global Warming would have been there.

    We cannot discount completley, that human activities have nothing to do with the alarming Global Warming.

    We can try to do something we can afford to do without spending a lot on it.

    With regards,


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