
How do we stop people dragging us down to there level on morals?

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How do we stop people dragging us down to there level on morals?




  1. live and let live

    You live your life the way you see fit, and let them do the same.

  2. stand alone and make your own mind up about what is right and wrong and be strong - seek out others who feel the same way that you do.

  3. That is easy, stay true to yourself and always carry yourself in the same manner, don't falter on your views. However, a better question would be..... How do we prevent moral decay from engulfing our society for future generations? Our society no longer has strong moral substance, anything and everything can be excused away including murder. You have your psychological means to excuse behavior away, you have your physical means, you have your upbringing, your equal rights causes and so many others. Did you know some countries allow a mother to kill her child up to the age of 1 year without any penalties of law based upon postpartum syndrome? This began with the legalization of abortion, one thing leads to another, ALWAYS. This is exactly where America is heading. Our society only has one place to go from here, can't you see what is happening? This is what happens when we excuse away certain things in the name of equality or pity. Pretty soon it will be legal for hookers to hang out on street corners, I mean it is their body, shouldn't they have the right to do with it what they please, who are you to judge? Morals no longer exist. Our entire country is based upon deceit, lies and corruption and it is only going to get worse, anyone who can't see that is blind. ;-(

  4. in full of words, what is the definition of moral?people deny to accept each others morals simply because we are different and have our own set core values

  5. Remember that if you don't Stand for something ...

    you'll fall for anything.


  6. If you really do have your own morals it's hard for people to bring you down to their level.

  7. Instill utmost fear in their beings.

    Teach them to believe that if they commit a moral wrongdoing, that they will eternally suffer after death.

  8. Don't go there. We can't stoop to a lower level if we decide we're not going to do it.

  9. When you see it happening, tell them that they can go **** their mother.

  10. Hi, its impossible, you have to choose to lower your standards, it can't be done to you, Clare.

  11. Don't answer their questions. They will get fed up and stop asking perhaps? Well, in an ideal world maybe.And if not on Q+A but every day life, try your best to stay cool if the likes happen to be in the vicinity as folks have already said - remind yourself you're above it. Temporary irritations.

  12. Remind yourself you're better than that..

  13. The word is 'Their'.

    It is better put- 'Their moral level'.

    One chooses one's own morality.

  14. What we are supposed to accept as moral comes from the top. The government of the day dictates what we should see as morally right or wrong. Remember when unmarried mothers were seen as the lowest of the low?  When g*y men were seen as criminals? You don't have to let people drag you down. You have your morals so stick to them.

  15. The best way:  don't associate with people of low moral character and don't let them obtain power to force their immorality on the rest of society.

    It is sad, but the east and west coasts of the USA are forcing their immorality on middle America.  We have to marginalize these people and not change our moral way of life just because they want to push their political and social agenda on us.

  16. if u truly believe in the way u feel, then they cant drag u down, its all in  having respect for each other, and urself.. its not even something to argue about, and dont.  and.......... this is what i do.......when i believe im right, about something so strong as morals, to me, its just the way, i m, i tell them so, and i tell them what i think and feel, .........and it all ways suprises me how someone will feel the same way, they were just afraid to speak up too. AND... dont apologize, for how u feel, example, "im sorry," i just dont think blab blab blad is right for me, u simply say, "no, that just doesnt feel right for me.

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