
How do we tell her off??

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Ok, i went back to school this week and everything's been really fun...except for this one girl. She's new this year (we're sophomores) and for some reason she's completely attached herself to me and my 3 best friends. Apparently her brother knows my friend's brother or something, so that gives her a reason to hang around us.

Problem is....none of us likes her. She's really weird, dresses like she's still in 5th grade and is just generally annoying. We've been trying to just ignore her but she ALWAYS sits with us at lunch and hangs with us after school. We've all agreed that we need to tell her off because our subtle tries aren't exactly working and since i'm the "bitchier" one, it's basically understood that i'm gonna be the one to do it.

So do you have any ideas how i could tell her that we don't want to hang out with her, and she needs to leave us alone? I hate to come off like a total ***** because no one at our school likes her, but we need to get rid of her. Help!!!




  1. If I wanted to get rid of someone I would just tell them to go away.  But if you've only know her for a few days and haven't even tried to get to know her then i think it's just mean to not even give her a chance.  She might be a little nervous about her first days at her new school and she might just be trying to make some friends and it's not that bad if she dresses weird.  Maybe if you introduced her to some other people at your school then she wouldn't hang around you and she'd have friends.

  2. Put the blame on the others and be nice.  Give her a chance, so what if she's a goof.  Every group needs one.

  3. just talk to her... but please talk to her like a friend... just say that you don't want her in your group because of her attitude...but you must say it in a nice way so that her feeling will not be hurt..

  4. Right now she probably feels really lonely and scared in a new school, especially if it's full of people that won't like her because she's "weird" or doesn't dress the same way that you do. She may be coming off as weird because she's nervous and she desperately wants someone to like her and be her friend. I don't know if you've ever started a new school when you're socially awkward and not all that pretty, but it is absolutely terrifying.

    I don't mean to be rude here, but instead of being shallow about it, you and your friends could always HELP her. Tell her about the habits she has that are annoying and help her stop. Tell her that her style isn't all that great and needs an update; take her shopping or help her pick out clothes online. Show her how to do her hair and makeup if she's clueless about that. Since you and your friends are apparently so popular, surely you can only help her by doing this? She will probably go away on her own after she feels comfortable with herself and makes different friends who actually like her.

    Good luck!

  5. well first of all she is new she is trying to fit in okay jeez give her a freakin break!!!!she doesnt exactly know try introducing her to other ppl be nice about getting rid of her i have the same prob with two girls that always hang out with me and my friends ugh it gets so annoying!!!!anyways dont be a ***** will backfire at u and u will get hurt and it will be like sly revenge like whatever bad things u do comes back at u twice as much or twice as bad like the saying:im rubber ur glue what bounces off of me sticks onto u its so true whatever u say will backfire and be like revenge to you. so be nice about it remember she is new and ppl have feelings and when u tell someone off it hurts a lot!

  6. just say the truth, that you don't like her but you didn't want to hurt her feelings but say you can hang on occasion

  7. I don't think I would tell her off.  She may be wanting to hang out with you and your friends because not only may she be lonely but she may think that you and your friends are cool and the kind of people she wants to be around.  If she dresses younger than she is, maybe you and your friends can help her out by showing her some things that she could wear instead.  Maybe she isn't really weird but just acting like that because she needs and wants attention and that is the only way she knows how to get it.  It is hard being a new kid anywhere you go.  Try being her friend and who knows, you may find that she fits in with your crowd after all.  But give her a chance first.

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