
How do we use our creative power in the opposite direction - to wage PEACE?

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  1. Diagnose and teach.

  2. With Love, peace in our hearts, single minded resoluteness, fidelity to ones cause and understanding.

  3. And go against our true nature?  Do grow up!

  4. Simple. By not creating an excessive number of people. All the worlds problems are caused by overpopulation.

  5. I'm a Raver and so its easy for me. Live Each and eveery day with as much PLUR as humanely possible. As more people fight for peace, love, and unity, then Humanity gets closer and closer to the unity the previous generation said we could not have. For me, I see peace offten enough to know that it can be else where, it can be spread. They said that peace in this world is impossible, but they were wrong, now, unlike anytime in history, a world of peace is possible.

  6. i think we could all try getting along and sharing the world's money with everybody

  7. According to Donald Sutherland, on a biographical movie on Prefontaine(Long-Distance runner for Portland State); the Greeks originally designed the Olympic-Games exactly for this purpose...

    1) Players competed for bragging rights(power)... in sport and competition that was non-lethal.....

    2) If only we could get the powers-that-be to anny up on the olympic-games.... but maybe the winnings aren't enough for them to sit down at the table....

    3) Sadly we might have to wage the rule of countries for decades at a time... if the members of our individual countries win or lose the overall competition...

    4) But even this would be better then the suicidal missions that most waged wars end up costing the lives of our well-meaning citizens who are duped in to believing its for the best of their country to do so..

    5) There may be other ways... but Non-Lethal-World-Competitions such as the Olympics is a step in the right direction, now if we can just get the Puppet-Masters and other powers-that-be on board of thinking so.....

  8. Perhaps such an effort must necessariy begin with each individual awakening to the realization that each other is merely and extenstion of ones self and that all that exist on this planet, as well as in the known universe, are all made of the same naturally occuring elements and second generation star material.

    Further, all are connected by their interdependence not only of their arising but for their very existence.  An example might well be that if we pollute the air,we will all suffer due to the non-beneifical effects of the same upon all life forms.

    This points to the truth that each needs all others and with that understanding and true realization we must each begin to work towrds the wellfare of all others so as to promote our own wellfare.

    This could be realized in a practicle manner by developing renewable resources and products that will serve the needs and benefit all.  When we put such in an economic context, we find that only the foolish will willingly murder their customers by producing harmful products as doing so will ultimately destroy ones self!

    Perhaps we will see that by working in economic cooperation with one another for and in the benefit of all, this will lead to cooperation in other areas of life, such as the protection of the environment, promoting the health of other peoples, promoting the sharing of technologies and education, etc.

    As countries and societies begin to live in such a manner, perhaps each individual will awaken to the understanding and realization that we are all basically very much alike, more alike than different.

    As such is realized, perhaps those issues which do cause disharmony among peoples will be seen in a truer perspective which will aloow us to celebrate differences rather than fight one another about them

    We must each loose the common misconception of "Me first, and then, maybe, you, if there is any left..." and develop a new outlook such as ,"All together and me, too" with the major emphasis being on the "All together".

    Many of these very same ideas have been promoted by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama in his published work, 'Ethics for a New Millennium".

    This is all what might be thought of as "common sense" in that it can work and will serve the common good.

    May we all be peace so as to live peace.

    Be well.

  9. The comes to my mind with such great intensity and unparalleled brilliance that for the time being the concerns of the world are lost, the way we lose the use of our sight for a flash upon sighting something radiant. It is amazing to know what a good thought can really be, a question, an answer, or both at once. I am the question, and I am answer too, my life is a question and can also be an answer to all my questions.

    What we inherit from our parents: our identity, tradition, home, family, love and traits, thousands of years of living accumulated in our genes … all this and more, I believe is sufficient for us to pick a good start in life, all this, I believe should come to us as the answer to all the questions that budding existence have to cope with. But sometimes, a start takes form of a question instead. Sometimes, life comes to us more as a question than an answer, the question that then we live some time to come. For instance, I have seen the damage neglect, abuse, cruelty and deprivation cause to little people of the world. I see people children being ill educated mistreated and ignored for their right in life by their very own parents. This all adds up to formulate a mind.

    Then each person, as a child, has his or her own questions that he or she needs to learn to ask. But if a child fail to articulate little questions in time, and answers keep enjoy their existence somewhere else, then however crucial and important all this might be, the earliest questions start to lose their validity. We eventually come to realise that we are mature now, besides, no one cares to listen to our childish inquisitiveness anymore, the time has passed, and now is the time, and the need, to be an answer ourselves, answer to serious questions of an adult and responsible life.

    Questions are important to me, as I am a question myself. But I am grateful that I also relish answering questions here more than anything else. And I especially like answering your questions, as you are a constant presence here. I do realise that you might be getting exhausted reading my prolonged thoughts, this I know because I am getting exhausted writing them to you. But I assure you that I hold you in certain high regards. I think you are a kind, mature and decent person who just happened to be interested in interacting with people, and thoughts. I appreciate your tenacity, and your inquisitiveness, and whatever ends you might have in your view of questioning, I believe they are good.

    I have led myself to be interested not only in people, and their queries but also in the process of questioning here. I realise that this has never been possible for anyone else to be able ask so many, or to answer so many, questions to a potentially worldwide audience. This I take is not only something entirely new but also a very significant and useful in the development of the mind. It is only now that I am beginning to realise the true potential of this phenomenal enterprise by the Yahoos Corporation of a very human and humane kind. I think there is great deal to be learnt and grasped here.

    Then when it comes to nature and the use of my creativity, I must assert first of all that in very poorly personal capacity I am not as creative or exuberant a lifestyle as it might appear from my words, and that I know very little, and all the while I write, if it can be called writing at all, I feel like sitting idly by the side of a mighty river fast flowing past, and myself often thirsty though out. I must assert therefore that my creatively, and those of the people who are truly creative, is a matter of little deliberation to start with, or of a personal choice in any case. For I believe a tree cannot be made to grow downwards, as a surgeon cannot be taught to direct his scalpel away from the obsessive wound if to be any good for the job. Creatively is also said to be ‘the lava of imagination’, that until posses its power and follows its own path.

    But rest assured as the tree eventually bear fruit, and provide cool shade, scalpels aid health and lava however hostile in the end gives the earth is terra forming and give birth to new lands. Creativity, I think, in general is a process of remodelling of commonly held point-of-views, of ideas; it is a way to bring to light all that might be too ugly or beautiful to let go unnoticed.

  10. When is peace not the justification for war?

  11. I don't mean to be cruel here, but affluent societies just seem to crank out people in desperate denial as to the nature of Life & painfully naive as to the definition of Peace.

    I love life.  I think it is beautiful beyond reckoning.  

    But not for one second do I think it's something besides endless mouths with very sharp teeth looking for the cheapest lunch possible.

    Life is in BALANCE not HARMONY.

    Life is an endless rephrasing of the questions:

    "When do we mate?" and "What's for Lunch?"

    Peace means YOU aren't what's for lunch.  

    YES, we should use our creative power to wage PEACE.   It's stupid to fight if there's an easy win-win available.

    But PLEASE do not imagine that Lunch isn't going to happen, or that someone isn't going to be the Lunch, or that the Lunch is gonna think it's peaceful.

    If you pray for no predation, your prayer is to be prey.

    Disney is fine for Children.  Adults must understand Darwin.

  12. Through competitive cooperation

  13. By creating contentless state of mind separative feeling is gone and there is peace.

  14. Go towards your own peace and you will bring peace to others and have a matrix to follow for world peace.

  15. Very simply; by channeling positive thought and action into the pursuit of peace.

    Unfortunately, the practicalities of pursuing peace through non-conflict carries a very high price because war-mongers have no respect for the lives of others.

    As long as humanity insists on fighting for commodities there will be war no matter how peaceful the majority.

  16. by blogging and spreading this information so they try and know their powers. so they can use it....



  17. We neither need to fight for nor wage peace...we need only "realize" what already is.  What you resist that by even acknowledging "unpeace," we contribute to its unreality/lie.  Be what you already are.  Love is All That Is.

    i am Sirius

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