
How do we use plants in everyday life (4 uses)?

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  1. Plants exchange Carbon Dioxide into oxygen, which then we use to breathe. That is why there is such a big controversy about deforrestation. Because the less trees the more Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere and then that is where we move into Global warming, because heat is reflected back to the earths surface by the large amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere

  2. 1-source of nutrient

    2- fabrics and clothing

    3- for construction

    4- medical purposes

  3. food, decoration, scent, medicine

  4. we eat (some of) them

    they're pretty for decoration

    some people use them for remedies

    ethanol (mainly corn)

  5. Food

    Regulate CO2

    Prevent erosion


    First three are extremely important, last is beneficial to humans.

  6. first Nature

    Nature uses plants and trees for the folowing


    the world bank pays large subsidies for farmers to plant trees especially a tree called Pawlomia because it is one of the better ones that capture carbon.

    plants take in carbon dioxide period they dont take in oxigen at night.

    they require carbon dioxide and leave oxigen

    the forrests make most of the water that we can drink or use for plant growth(sweet water)

    some is condensed from the sea but that reaches only the coastal areas .

    the bulk ,comes from the forests ,and the rivers come from the rainfall which comes from the trees ,

    the trees with precipitation,feed the rivers when it is not raining and keep them running all year round.

    If we kill all the trees,we kill the rivers .we kill the rain. we kill us.

    the trees also absorb the heat in the day and heat up the place in the night ,so they keep the temperature confertable to live in.

    and forest are the homes of millions of species of life forms ,animals ,insects ,micro organisms ,birds and other plants etc etc .

    as well as the food source for all of these

    these are some of the reasons why trees are important.

    so plant a tree every week,and help us save the world

    now us

    1)we eat many plants

    2)we use plants for ornaments(office plants and flowers)

    3)many plants are building materials (bamboo.palmleaves ,hemp,thatching grass)

    4)and many plants can be used for clothing or hats or other material(reeds,hemp,cotton)

    5)some plants make paper(rice,hemp,papyrus,bamboo)

    6) plants are medicens

    8)plants make drinks

    9)plants make musical instruments

    10)make colors

    etc etc etc

  7. We breathe the oxygen that they provide us.....

  8. THey are good for spitting my chewed gum on/in!

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