
How do whales help the environment?

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How do whales help the environment?




  1. use the sperm to make soap that u bath with and wash your hair with.

  2. circle of life

  3. The Eskimos have used them for food and other things soap and so on they are part of the environment what good is lobster or shrimp, squid?  With all these things dying in our oceans right now you think it would make you wonder whats going to happen when the fish are gone and the water that is so contaminated will do!  Remember the worlds c**p has killed the oceans and without water we all die!

  4. You make an excellent point. There is no reason for EVERY creature to 'contribute' to the 'Environment'. Why isn't it enough that they exist for their own sake? Besides, maybe they can teach us to communicate with intelligent species other than our own.

  5. by eating the people who have chosen to have gone into their habitat.

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