
How do whirlybird roof vents work?

by Guest59613  |  earlier

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OK, i think i understand how it works, so my new question is why isn't mine working? I just bought a house in the desert (california) and there are 2 whirlybird vents on the roof and they aren't budging. But other ones in the neighborhood are. Hmmm.




  1. If you are talking about wind turbines on the roof, yes they work.  Once installed they are completely free and very low maintenance.  A peak roof vent is probably better, but it takes a lot of work to install.

    Sorry, I misread your question - missed the "how."  Hot air rises which is at the peaks of your roof.  A slight breeze causes the turbine to turn which sucks the hot air out of the attic space.  It is replaced with air coming in the soffit vents.

  2. Agree with Wired.  Even if there is no wind to turn the "turbine" which is in reality just a vaned fan designed to move air in one direction, installation of such will allow some warm air flow through the vent as the warmer air rises to the top, creating a less than noticeable movement of air.  I would opt for a powered gable fan myself, mounted on the sunward side so it will come on at a specified attic temp, pull air from the shaded side and exhaust it to the sunward side.  When the attic temp lowers to a specified preset temp, the fan automatically turns off.   During the winter, it can be convered from either side with heavy mil plastic to avoid heat loss even if it isn't being powered at the time.

  3. Why aren't they working?

    Check that they weren't sealed for the winter.

    check that they've been oiled.

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