
How do women react when they find out they were being fantasized by men?

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I am curious on how women would react if they find out that a guy had fantasized about them. Ladies, how would you feel if your co-worker or your neighbor fantasized about you? Would you be flattered? Turned on? Or just dow right disgusted? Thoughts anyone?

Of course we're talking about a decent looking guy, not just some flabby pervert that we see on the movies.




  1. I think it wouldn't matter what the guy looked like- as long as he wasn't like a stalker I'd be a lil flattered. Anyway whats wrong with flabby guys? They're great to date too... the pervert part is the thing that would turn me off. So I think I'd be interested to know, not sure I'd want to know the details though. Haha.

  2. Why the F-ck do you care and why should she.  Are we at the point that not only do our actions and even words have to be PC, but we should monitor even our thoughts?!

  3. I dont know... Im a guy, but I imagine that if i was a woman and someone did that, it would be kinda flattering.. and Id have an excuse to kick someone in the balls and that makes for a good day to me!

  4. If he's a decent looking, nice guy, then I would be flattered...and yeah, maybe even turned on. :)

  5. If I had fantasized about him before and had had s*x/was intending to have s*x with him, then I'd like it. If not, I'd be grossed out. Anyone who knows The Tale of Paf will know exactly how I feel about it.

  6. it's hot as long as it's not some back row dark theater jack off artist!!

  7. i'd sorta be flattered..but somehow creeped out if he was married or had kids

  8. I have to say I don't really care, generally mildly flattered, or if I fancied him I might be turned on by it.

  9. A mix really. Flattered because they like you, turned on perhaps that someone feels that way and thinks about you in a possibly slightly rude but s**y way, and at the same time, disgusted because they might be doing really dirty stuff whilst thinking of you. It's very strange actually.

  10. id be like "hhheeyy someone else besides me and my bf wants to see me naked!!!!" in my head though...i wouldnt act like i was flattered though.

  11. it really does depend on the guy, but most likely i would feel flattered..

    but the only way i would know, is if he told me he was fantasizing about me, which would then make it awkward

  12. It depends on the guy.  If he creeps me out, I would feel creeped out.  If I find him attractive in some way, I would be flattered.

  13. It wouldn't surprise me at all. I realize that basically all men fantasize about women or think about what it would be like to have s*x with them.

  14. It depends... If it were a friend, I really wouldn't mind. Might even be a little bit flattered. But if it were a stranger, acquaintance, or co-worker, I'd be a little freaked out. I can't really explain the distinction but I guess it's because I'm closer to friends..?

  15. that depends, if it was someone that i liked or someone that was attractive and in my age range i would be flattered. if it was someone significantly younger or older i would probably be disgusted

  16. I don't care, as long as that person isn't pressuring me against my will and keeps their boundaries.  I'm sure celebrities don't mind when their fans are fantasizing about them.

    Fantasies are just fantasies, and often don't leave the head.

  17. I would be digusted.  The only way I would be flattered or turned on by it is if the man who fantasized about me was my significant other.  Other than him, I don't want anyone else (or atleast to hear about anyone else) fantasizing about me....good looking or not.

  18. That ENTIRELY depends on the man.

  19. That would depend on the guy and the sort of relationship we had , if it was just someone I say hi to but I don't go out of my way to talk to or get to know then I would be creeped  out.

    If it was someone who I had similar feelings for then I would make his dreams come true  and if it was just a friend than things would be awkward and I would feel strange being around him.

    If I where you I wouldn't tell the girl you think of that your doing that because unless you know how she feels about you odds are its going to turn ugly .

  20. It's a weird mixture of being creeped out and turned on at the same time.

    My husband said that he thinks one of our friends masturbated over my picture.  

    I said, "That's a disturbing thought. But kind of s**y as well".

  21. umm well I'm flattered but like eww i wonder what he has fantasized me doing having it or binding in a miniskirt or just having a date? it really depends on what he has fantasized me doing

  22. that's hot

  23. If it was a flabby pervert I would feel disgusted. But if it wasn't, I would be flattered and quite amazed and thrilled with the fact that someone had fantasized about ME. That they thought I was so attractive that they fantasized about me. For a short time I was their Goddess who goverend their thoughts...

  24. Totally surprised, because it's never happened as far as I know.

  25. I become slightly creeped out and flattered at the same time. Its very hard to explain.

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