
How do women test men?

by  |  earlier

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@ goofy: It's actually related to the first question - he feels she does it to him and I wanted another gender persepctive




  1. Kick them? I dunno, why would you wanna test them? You either like him or you don't.

  2. whah? well thanks for the free points

  3. I don't "test" men.

    I just watch how they treat me and listen to what they say.

    The minute the red flags come out, the minute I walk.  You really don't have to do much when a man is truly comfortable with you, he literally will dig his own grave with his own stupidity.

  4. What would you want to test a man for? do you mean sexually transmitted diseases.  

    You sound as though you have been badly let down, I am sorry

    I cannot agree with you i.e. testing men.

    Maybe you should look to yourself, Sorry

  5. Like seeing how far they can get their men to work for them?

    Honey, will you go downstairs and get me a drink.

    Honey, will you go to the store and buy me this.

    Honey, will you wear this ridiculous shirt I bought you.

    Honey, do I look fat?

  6. Most women who have a distrust for their mate. test them or set them up, by seeing for themselves if they take the bait or not. It's usually to see if they are faithful to them or not.

    I would also mention that these women that set up their partners with bait,should have withdrawn from their relationship, long before playing a game with them.

  7. they do it almost constantly.  This not the right forum for this question, you need to go to and look up sh it tests and you'll get all the answers you need.

  8. They 'test' men (mostly husbands) daily: "do you ever look at other women?", or, "if I die which one of my friends would you want to date?", or, "do I look fat?", or my favorite, and the absolute worst of the worst, "what are your thinking?".

    Not ONE of these questions can be answered honestly. Women don't WANT an honest answer -- they only want drama, drama, drama.

    By the way, the man ALWAYS fails the test.

  9. this is dumb you already asked a similar question testing is NOT OK to do, its called manipulation  

  10. this i hate

    cause you shouldnt test them

    but girls like to set guys up

    like in maury show

    a decoy friend or something

    yea its g*y

    i dont approve of this at all

  11. If all that screaming you do is because one of you is riding the other, he passes the test.  
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