
How do women who cover up from head to toe go swimming?

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whilst on holiday in egypt i noticed nearly all the women cover from head to toe, so how would they go swimming?




  1. LOL, Yeah, I've seen them go to the beach in Mablethorpe in all that garb and not dip a toe into the sea.

    They must not be able to go swimming surely!


  3. Their husbands don't allow them to swim, I have an aunt who does that and he doesnt let her do anything. Thats why i hate him, hes too controlling.  

  4. female only days at the pool, and in the UAE there were women-only beaches, and all the women that would normally be covered were in bikinis and shorts etc lol

    or they wear a 'burqini':

    muslim women never used to cover in like they do nowadays in the middle east, time have changed ALOT.

  5. At night  

  6. i used to live in dubai there women used to go in fully dressed or else if they wanted to swim went to the ladies club where no men were allowed.  

  7. they dont lmaoo

    or they might just put thier feets in (:

  8. Submarine.

  9. they wear lycra suits

  10. They usually use special swim suit that is designed to satisfy islamic respect to her body from being exposed.

    However still The main issue is privacy and this is acheived by the following ways:

    (1) most swimming pools provide certain times during the day (or certain days during the week) for females only, so any girl can use it at these times freely, whether she is veiled (hijab or nikab) or not. and in this way they can wear anykind of swimming suit they want. as pool divers and workers are females too.

    (2) there are beaches are reserved for ladies certain days of the week (the same way with swimming pools)

    (3) there are hotels (specially in waterfront resorts) that are designed in a way so each hotel unit has its own swimming pool and which is surrounded with high trees to assure privacy for hotel guests

    (4) some acheive the same kind of privacy through building their own swimming pool in their house backyard (but this so costy)

    (5) some women go to beach early morning (before or after sunrise directly) with their men relatives and enjoy swimming.


    i m frustrated from the ignorance of some answerers about our society and the disrespect they show in their answers.

    greetings to Zoser.

  11. lets ignore mocking at others

    personally i`m covered completely and i wear swim suits which designed to cover the whole of body and head and to be wide

    and i enjoy swimming freely

  12. I have seen these women swimming..they go in the water with all there gear on!!!...its really strange to see..

  13. They probably dont.

  14. I really do not understand you people, what is your business if someone wants to cover up or be naked,, do not you believe in  the free well??? You do not have even the right to like/ do not like /mock  what they wear ,, It is not your business, do anyone interfere in your  freedom to be whatever,,?? UUFF

    Anyway , they swim , there is special suit for that, or they can just use the  swimming pools in certain times when  are  only for women  (in certain days or certain times during the day...),,, The funny thing that there are lots of places also in Your civilization where women or men can do activities apart of the other s*x,,,

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