
How do women who wear a burqa get enough Vitamin E from the sun?

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This is not a joke question, so no funny answers please. Im just wondering, since they are covered when outside, is Vitamin E deficiency common, or how do they deal with this issue? Just curious.




  1. Yes. Studies by the University of Chicago have found that vitamin D defficiency is more prevalent among Muslim women exactly because they don't get enough UV exposure through their burqas.

    And contrary to popular belief, black clothes DO block out UV radiation.

  2. they dont and many of them get rickets


  3. You mean vitamin D?

  4. They get same amount of Vit D as the Christian nuns get.

    They get less UV rays. They also get lesser case of skin cancer.

    They get advantage  of not beeing looked upon as s*x symbol only.

    By the way do you remain naked 24x7..  ?

    Not a joke. Just curious.


  5. Is it vitamin E?  It may be vitamin D that your skin creates from sunshine.  The question makes sense, regardless of which vitamin.

    A burqa does not necessarily cover everything. In some places, the face is exposed.  Perhaps that is enough.

    There may be enough from being not completely covered when at home, such as in an inner open courtyard.

    There may be enough from other sources, like supplements.

    Interesting question.  

  6. D D D D D Do u get it. D

  7. Vitamin D

    Get it right woman.

    Black doesn't block out the sun.  White does, but just being in a sunny environment helps.  (Not being inside.)  

    ~I had a black bathing suit one summer.

  8. they sure have far less cases of skin cancer.

  9. its vitamin D, and im sure your skin is rich of small nucleation of skin cancer cells, do a check up before you regret,,

  10. well first of all, vitamin D comes from the sun.....

  11. They get Vit E from eggs.

  12. They remove their sunglasses.

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