
How do yahoo pool players have the cue ball travel backwards after the cue ball strikes the other balls?

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How do yahoo pool players have the cue ball travel backwards after the cue ball strikes the other balls?




  1. There are a number of factors involved in playing a draw shot in pool.  Obviously the spot on the cue ball that you strike with the tip, usually about a tip's width below center or so, is most important.  Another is keeping the stick level, so you generally want to lower your bridge hand to play the shot.  Distance cue ball to object ball is important, the greater the distance, the more backspin has to be imparted to the cue ball to get the desired effect, this usually also means that the shot must be struck more firmly.  Many experts suggest a loose wrist when playing draw, with a slight snap to the wrist as the shot is made.  A smooth stroke and follow through where possible are desireable too.  One effective way to practice is to set up short shots, say 10 to 12 inches between cue ball and object ball, and to work out from there.  There are some good instructional videos online that include draw shots, as well as some good written material.  Try youtube for the vids, and AZBilliards for the written stuff.  Good luck.

  2. use low english and hit kinda hard.

    um, i dont know why theres a thumbs down here, ive got a decent yahoo pool rating,and thats how you bring the cue back, and i notice you didnt leave a better answer.

    if you dont know how to use the english, its the picture at the...i believe top right,,,of the cue ball with the mark on it that you move to tell it where to hit the  ball. move it toward the bottom and put a little power on it and it WILL spin and come back

  3. there is a picture of a cue ball on the pool screen,

    you click on the bottom of it to add backspin (make the ball go backwards)

    you click on the top of the ball to add topspin (make the ball go forwards)


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