
How do you 'clock up' your processor?

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I have an Acer Aspire T310 PC, with a Pentium 4 3.0 GZ Processor. I've heard where some people can 'clock up' the processor to run at 3.4 or even 3.8. How do you do this?





  1. well what do you want to overclock? just the cpu. that should be easy enough even for a noob. You will have to go into the bios of your computer(press del on black screen when computer starts). In there look around but dont change anything. Once you will find an option for your cpu, you didnt say what board you have so lemme just guess what your board could say - the option will let you choose between manual and auto, pick manul OR there might be another option that says enable, but is currently disabled(for your cpu only, if you change option to enable and cannot change the cpu speed then change it back to disabled)

    okay now easy way to overclock. once you see the thing that says change the cpu speed, up it by 3 mhz. restart comp. and if you get into windows than you are fine for now. to make sure you are 100% safe download 2 basic programs to test your system stability, memtest and prime95. When you up the cpu speed(usually for intel stock cpu speed is 200) your system will be faster. Up cpu speed by about 3 everytime. run prime95 and if your system doesnt freeze youare good. once you system doesnt load windows you prime95 freezes. go back to the last setting when windows loaded and prime95 worked. Now run prime95 for like 12 hours and runn memtest for another 4. if your system doesnt crash, congrats. if not down the speed by another 3 or so til that long 12 hour/4 hour test does not fail.

    A program that overclocks the cpu speed is cpufsb. you will have to buy it thouhg. sorry,but the other 2 are free.

  2. WARNING: P4 3.0 GHz is not really suitable for overclocking if u don't spend on a good aftermarket cooler.

    Get into the bios pressing F2 during boot and change the speed of the FSB slowly.

    If system shows instability then decrease the speed.

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